One of the first of what has become "The Chat Series" The Warehouse presents: Skylar May...Young teen posed to be the next Miley Cyrus......

Updated: This is one of my earliest interviews. I see that her name is starting to pick up too. Good for her. 

Find out more about her here..

I think I may have met the next Miley Cyrus ya'll while at this Koch signing presser. So we are going to take a little turn here and give you some background. Relax, we aren't going to start just posting up 'kiddie' acts all over the place. This was an interview of opportunity and one that is relevant to me as I have kids. As some of you do too. I mean, they can't just listen to Drake and Weezy you

Without further delay, here is some of the interview.....

When did you first start singing?

I began singing when I was six. I try to sing for the 6-12 age group. Earth friendly songs. All of music is about loving people and is very clean and wholesome.

Is this your Dad?

Yes. He is my co-writer. (Father speaks up) I am a engineer and a producer.

How did you (she) get started?

She actually asked me if she could sing one day so I just let her in the studio. It took off from there. She really loved it so I decided to continue on with the process.

What types of events/venues/performances have you done?

(Dad interjects again politely) She was a spokesperson for the Bronx Zoo in honor of the Wildlife Conservation Society. She actually performed at the zoo. The resulting performance netted an interview with Tiki Barber. I believe the total attendance of the show was around 18,000. She has also opened for the Jonas Brothers in PA. In addition, Skylar has performed for the National Institute of Health in Washington DC. It was a medical Mission for Children. The concert raised $4000 for the Rotary Club.

Any final messages you would like to tell the fans?

Everybody please take of the Earth. We should really be more Earth friendly and love each other.

So for all of you out there complaining about the music your little girl's are listening to, here ya go. Here is her site. Her father handled her with grace and dignity. Hats off to him.


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