This is going to random to some, understood to others...South Florida

My middle child when she was 2ish down at the beach in (Lets check YOUR FLORIDA KNOWLEDGE) Hollywood Beach or South Beach? Which one? There are clues in the back that should tell you which beach she is at. Something you won't normally see on one but pretty much always see on the other.

If you have been here (the blog) or you KNOW me, this will not be of any shock to you. If neither of the two previous things mentioned apply to you let me help you out a bit. I kinda have a thing for the Greater Miami area. Like most people who have spent any amount of time there. So yes, a post or twelve may get done just about the place. Deal with it.

Bear with me. In no way am I trying to:

Tell you where you should be going when you are down there. I am sure you have WAY COOLER FRIENDS/acquaintances/sources/whatever than me.

Suggest that I live there. I have visited there before plenty and I want to live there. It isn't a secret.

Post up places that I haven't been while spending time there.

Trying to convince you to go. Either you want to go or you don't. Makes me no never mind..I am not working for the Greater Miami Tourism center so if you say you HATE IT THERE, good for you.

Anyway. Here are some pictures. Just enjoy 'em. Or not. Some (most) of these pictures are older. I did that on purpose. Some of these places are not in existence anymore. If you are one of the people who have either been to South Florida (or live there), I am sure you can point out what is and what isn't in existence anymore..

Let me be clear. I said the Greater Miami Area...Not just South Beach. I will put up pics of South Beach of course, 'cause it IS SOUTH BEACH! The pictures will not just be of there though. There is more to the area than just that little strip of land and the three major airports within 30 miles of it. In case you don't KNOW what that area may entail of, this is what it looks like.

Lets start up in the North in Broward County. Where I am USUALLY at when I go. Let me get real specific for you so you will know I know what I am talking about a bit...When I am there, this is the general area that I am in....

If I move there, THAT IS WHERE I will be. In that area. @ picture above. It is 'pretty normal' for the area. Have had many good times on that road. Especially at that Dave & Busters right off of that particular exit. @ Sheridan St.

These areas are so close together that I won't lie. I don't realize I am crossing over into a whole other city 'till I see stuff like this...

..... the beach in Hollywood Florida.

An African-American History museum in Hollywood Florida.

This is MIGHT be my favorite PUBLIC park, probably in the World. I haven't been to every park but I have been to a few. From the mountains in NC to the ones in the area where I live (North East Coast), this is one of my favorites for sure. I didn't go there hearing about it. I just wanted to play some ball. So I found a park. It is very well kept up.

.....this one is a close second...Westlake Recreation Area Hollywood

We can move further down now...I actually don't really like getting on 95 down in South Florida. I usually head down 1A. So I can see stuff like this...

Or hit up places like this....

I told you I would put some pics up South Beach. I mean I love it there too. Just wanted to give the other areas a little bit of shine too.

I did want to include someplace (common) that I have not been to yet that I would like to go. You see, I am a pretty regular person (From what I have been told, no matter what happens, I will stay that way..) so I like to see the 'regular' stuff of a place. I have not been here to see this yet. I can only imagine what it must look like inside. The outside is a damm thing of beauty though. (Waits for you to 'get the damm joke')



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