and now your Church might tell you to give up Facebook if you are married? Tells Tom he shoulda kept it with college kids...

What is even more interesting is that I am going to share it on.......FACEBOOK. Isn't it ironic?- Alanis...(The last part of the title is for effect. Article doesn't say that. Outwardly

You know, I don't know WHAT side of this to stand on other that the whole 'People are gonna do what they are gonna do...' side of it. Obviously, preventive measures should be taken by all to ensure (avoid) things go the way they are supposed to. I am not so sure if it is as cut and dry as 'Delete your Facebook 'cause it is THE PROBLEM. I can't say it doesn't cause problems but I don't see them as any less prevalent than those caused by attending a gathering with one's former 'real world social group', going down that same street that you used to know with you know who,hitting up the mall, or 'going back home' for the holidays. These all conjure up 'memories', chance meetings, chance encounters and the like to me. Nevermind all of these high school reunions, old school dances, boys/girls nights out,  zumba classes, going to the gym, walking the dog at the newly minted dog park....You get the point right? What are you gonna do? Stay inside, put a recording device in your partner's face when they do go out and stay on ready all the time for fear of this? Not be social AT ALL ESPECIALLY IF YOU WERE ALWAYS A SOCIAL PERSON? I mean at the same time, you can't just sit back and KNOWINGLY let shit be but damm....At this point, Facebook's BIGGEST detractors are even on it FULL FORCE. @ the type that would have championed this when they didn't 'get' Facebook. This is gonna be interesting if it spreads Nationwide as things like this tend to do. Monkey see monkey do society that we are....

What did people back in the days before this technology existed do? Before you mount your horse, PLEASE THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY. Some of you are meeting your brothers and sisters (aunts and uncles, cousins, etc,etc) FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR because of things done in the past. So please spare me the 'it wasn't done then' routine. I know better. You do too. People might find out about it sooner now but there is no 'spike' in it being done. We have just become blood thirsty to see others do bad ESPECIALLY in this regard...(See the addictions people have to shows like Maury and Cheaters if you don't believe me. (Shows I hate btw. Fuck I wanna sit around & watch folks fight over their relationship business for? I got my own shit to take care of..) People aren't watching 'cause they feel 'sorry for the person who is being cheated on'. They want to see that action when they find out.)

Anyway, I am going to leave you with the story...Which I find hilarious/sad/truthful/meaningful/petty on many levels all at the same time. From the fact that the Pastor has a Facebook account himself (he said he would delete per his own advice) to the single person talking about people having passwords and if they didn't, something is AUTOMATICALLY  'wrong'. (As if there is nothing wrong with someone either hiding the password OR someone ADAMANTLY wanting their spouse's password. Both scream something*....) The fact that if you DO CHECK ON YOUR SPOUSE'S SHIT EVERY DAY and you find something 'odd' and you flip out, knowing you entertain that cute lunch guy at work every day to get more food or that cute gal at one of your 'stops' on the job, you are just as bad and guilty. People swear they want to know everything that everyone has ever said to their SO and if they ever found out they would leave. You might as well not even 'start' in my opinion then. You are doomed. 'Cause shit that could be 'misconstrued', taken the wrong way or is flat out wrong and foul is said EVERY DAY. Every day you come in contact with another human. From the most 'moral' person saying it in so many words to the out and out 'I'mma lay it out there' girl/gal.

Alas, we can't have a 'real' conversation about this because everyone will be too busy wanting to be 'right' as opposed to just not living in 'FantasyLand'. 'Cause a real conversation would entail that very fact I just stated. We are just gonna keep playing that 'not me' game or "I don't see that' shit.  pfft....Watch someone read this and say "Ooooh...he is saying it is RIGHT TO DO WRONG BY YOUR SPOUSE...OOOHHHH.." Try taking a reading comprehension class at night at your local community college idiot. I didn't say that. I said that things aren't 'cut and dry' and stated SOME REASONS WHY..This isn't the Leave It To Beaver. This is real life and if you are a party to the problem that isn't negated by you 'finding something'. That's all I am saying.

*It screams 'Shit has happened to me and I wonder if it is happening to you..9/ case you are wondering.The minute a human (man or woman) stops to think "Well if I am getting action, hit on, talked to, interest, whatever, I wonder what HE/SHE IS GETTING OVER THERE..." is when the password asking starts up. Yeah, it happens during questionable behavior too but sometimes that behavior is not done by the spouse in question.....Think about these phrases for a minute if you are still unclear...All can have the 'he' and 'she''s/males/females reversed out where need be.

"Now I know if her girl is getting love on Facebook at these parties and she is with her...."

"I see you got a lot of female friends on Facebook, I know I have male friends but they know the deal...."

"Who is that person that I don't know keekeein' up in them pictures of OUR CHILD.....Yeah I know I commented on my friend's pics of their kids but you KNOW THEM. Remember I told you about who they were...." (As if telling someone about someone who you knew in the 3rd grade is MAGICALLY MAKES ONE KNOW THEM...LOL..) 

Now I know at this point some of you are laughing your asses off, running through your mental files to see if you can catch any glimmer of me in the statements or perhaps yourselves or just flat out shaking your heads....So read the article and enjoy it. Feel FREE to comment. I am interested in your take on it.

The Bible says that if something causes you to sin, whether it’s your eye or hand or foot, that you should cut it off, because it’s better to be blinded or lame and going to Heaven than to have all your parts and end up going to Hell.  That’s why the Reverend Cedric Miller, pastor of the Living Word Christian Fellowship Church, has issued a strange request of his flock.  Reverend Miller has asked the married couples in his Neptune, New Jersey, congregation to delete their Facebook accounts.
Of course, Rev. Miller has a very good reason for this.  To him, and to a lot of people, Facebook is a tool for cheating, so he’s asking his congregation to delete the temptation and delete Facebook from their lives.  Reverend Miller, who uses Facebook to keep up with his six children, said the deletion will start with himself.
“I’ve been in extended counseling with couples with marital problems because of Facebook for the last year and a half,” said Rev. Miller.  “What happens is someone from yesterday surfaces, it leads to conversations and there have been physical meet-ups.  The temptation is just too great.  The advice will go to the entire church.  They’ll hear what I’m asking of my church leadership.  I won’t mandate it for the entire congregation,


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