No real title..Just me going in on some topics I want to discuss..

As usual, I have to give my disclaimer. There is none. I make no promises that I am not talking about you. I mean, I would be doing you a disservice actually if I didn't get it out. I am speaking on things I see EVERY DAY out of different people. From all over. Too many to name and direct the post to DIRECTLY. This is how I get these things out.

Some of you, I don't 'know' though so it isn't that personal. @ those of you who will 'stumble' upon this or have it passed on to you. Which actually may make it sink in even better. I am sure it will 'HELP' some of you...

Those of you who I do 'know' or know 'of', if this is where we stop speaking 'cause you feel this IS ABOUT YOU, so be it. I have plenty of 'friends' and tons of acquaintances. I'll be fine. So will you...@ if we don't speak again. I am sure of it.

Number 1
Using the words 'I don't understand why....' in regards to something you CLEARLY don't like, want to understand or have never been through.....

We get it. You have some how managed to be poor, have the best of everything, never taken a loss in ANYTHING IN LIFE yet know all about struggle, grew up poor,and know all about defeat. (Re-read that....I don't think you heard me...) We GET IT. You are adamantly against gays....WE GET IT. You don't think Brett Farve should be quarterbacking....WE GET IT. You don't understand how people don't have money even though what you do is VERY UNIQUE and you are BLESSED to be able to do it....We get it..We all can't be 'you'...Or what you are 'gonna' be...(Cause 3/4ths you AREN'T THERE YET.Yeah, I said it...)

It is funny to me though. 'Cause I hear the PAIN and the true confusion some of you put forth with you utter these statements (REPEATEDLY I MIGHT ADD) so CLEARLY it is bothering you that you don't understand. Lets cut the crap though. You 'understand'. You just like to sit up there on your HIGH HORSE, basically bragging about what it is you do or don't have to do yet claim you are HUMBLE? Then wonder why everyone NOT EATING OFF OF YOU OR AROUND you calls you an asshole and treats you as such?

Now if you TRULY want to know about something and don't understand, that is one thing. Many of you aren't using this statement in that manner though and you know it. You are bragging and boasting 'cause you 'think' you are better than everybody. So allow me to 'answer' some of these 'burning questions' you supposedly have and shed some light on WHY IT IS you can do the 'little bit' that you are bragging about doing.. There is gonna be a theme.....

I don't understand why cats with 50k luxury cars don' t have rims/systems/candy paint on them....I have them on my '07 Honda....

The answers: This is where you can tell who has actually 'OWNED' ANY TYPE OF CAR as opposed to those who may not have or have been 'gifted' or allowed to use a car. Anyone who has owned one FULL ON, knows it isn't for everybody...Anyone who doesn't know thinks YOU ARE BALLING. I happen to know...

You sell drugs or your boyfriend/SO does or your parents pay the car note. This means you don't PAY TAXES on your money. You also probably got the '50k' car for 25k 'cause you COULDN'T buy it at the regular dealer. This isn't the 90's. You could do that shit then. You can't walk into a dealership now with 70k (to cover their risk of getting caught selling you the car), get a car and not have it come back on somebody. Unless a private buyer was involved AND THERE STILL is the little issue of you driving around in a 50k with no income...If you don't pay the note on your own car, you REALLY have nothing to say. All you do is drive that mofo. Some people actually have to pay for the note on their car. Pay for oil changes. Tune-ups...etc. Tires. You aren't incurring any of that so it is NO WONDER you can do it.

You bought the car legit, you have a legit job but it is 3/4ths of your monthly income. So basically, the car is your life. You are either REALLY LATE ON YOUR RENT or you have no rent (live with your parents). Oh you have a kid? You aren't doing much for him/her with a note like that. So of course YOU have rims. You are neglecting everything else to get 'em.

Your father/momma/uncle/family member works for a car company. Knock 25% off for an employee discount and watch what I could do with a car......

You don't have a 50k car. You have have 18k car. Big difference in maintenance and upkeep and CAR PAYMENT. You might actually be able to splurge on that.

It is a hassle. Worrying about it getting stolen. Alarming it. Responding to every alarm. Getting those things fixed. (Ever try to replace a 22', on the road, not in your town? Try it sometime. Guaranteed you will probably be riding home on a doughnut..) Some people have done it and are tired of it or over it. You know folks didn't just 'start' getting that stuff on their cars you know..Owning a car like that THEN putting more stuff on it makes it a target.  Some folks don't want that hassle anymore...

Or you have no responsibilities. Congratulations. You have no responsibilities. Still doesn't make you better than everyone else. You have a car with rims. Yay bitch yay.....Feels good to be able to pull up to Tigger in his white on white MB and say yours costs like he does doesn't it? Too bad he is going back to his acres and you are going back to the apartment though.

I don't understand why Keisha (you can substitute Keisha for Keith if you like. It would be true.) DOESN'T HAVE (insert shoes, clothes, money/time to go to the club, girls trips to Mia/Vegas/Bahamas....etc..etc..)....Where does all her money go? She has kids like me and I managed to look fly AND GO TO THE 40/40 every weekend....


Keisha is taking care of her kids. This might actually mean she is spending HER money on them. Not her Momma's money, not just 'his' money', her OWN MONEY. For her kids. It is a novel concept. You should try it sometimes. You know....sacrifice for YOUR KID.

Keisha might have money but she learned not to tell folks about it. Lest she get robbed of her money. Maybe Keisha doesn't like 'wearing' her money. Maybe she likes putting it into things that 'matter'. Like a house. A decent moving car. A college fund. Paying her bills. You know...shit like that.

I don't understand why 'older folks'/people who have been somewhere/have knowledge of something/etc/etc want to ALWAYS act like they know something? What's up with that shit? Why can't they just shut up....


They have been through it so it isn't an 'act'. The names have changed. The slang has changed. Even the venue. The basics? Not so much.
They actually aren't GUESSING and worrying about being right unlike you. 
They wish someone would have told them so now they are telling you 'cause they know one day, you will feel the same. 
You are supposed to pay it forward. @ the information. Even if the person doesn't use it RIGHT THEN. 
They are usually tired of listening to someone who thinks because they have a lil money, met a rapper, or popped a bottle with an athlete that thinks they know all the World entails. 
They care.

Number 2......
You have to have haters so that you can do better...Or any phrase that even SUGGESTS THAT BULLSHIT.

I will say this straight up. You are a SAD MOTHERFUCKER if the only way you can do something that you claim you 'love' or need to do is to have someone 'hate' on you to do it to its fullest potential. This is the stupidest shit I have ever heard and I have to KEEP HEARING IT. Mofos running up on me with this bullshit about 'My haters make me better...' What about YOU making YOU better? What about your kids making you better? Those that support you? What about them? So basically what you are saying is, you need people not to like you to get to where you need to be. None for me thanks. @ that mess. I can get motivated to get where I want ALL BY MYSELF thank you.

'I'd like to thank all my haters....' - You

Thank you them? Why are you even WORRIED ABOUT THEM? Better still, ACKNOWLEDGING THEM? For what? Once again, too busy worried about mofos who don't give a shit about you. Wasted energy.

Number 3
Free (insert rapper/drug dealer/killer/law breaker who isn't INNOCENT here) shirts...and the sayings and name dropping that goes all along with all of that when THEY ARE NOT A PART OF THE CONVERSATION...

This one actually has been tackled QUITE WELL in the last couple of days upon the release of a certain N.O rapper. Not that I am mad that he is out. I am neutral on it. Not mad he is out...not elated he is out. I don't know him to 'miss' him and the things I do know about (music mainly) he left us with PLENTY OF. So....

Why did I include the rest of those things in the title? It has extended BACK over into real life again. It had died down before but now it is AUTOMATIC. T-Bird shoots up the mall and kills 2 innocent kids missing the 'rival' he was aiming at in the process? Now I am bombarded with 'Free T-Bird shirts and shit. Songs and whatnot. Having to hear about 'what T-Bird would do' if such and such went down as if I didn't already know T-Bird doesn't have the sense God gave him. No shit, T-Bird would shoot at them boys over there talking. He is IN JAIL FOR IT NOW. Tell me something I don't know Sherlock. Thanks for reminding me Sport. I'll be sure to live with that fear for the next 80 years until T-Bird, who probably will have CHANGED HIS WHOLE LIFE AROUND IN JAIL 'cause he has nothing but time and is the ONLY one serving that sentence, gets out. While you press on about what you man's would have done and try to leverage that into some cred of your own. On that "I'm associated with that so I might do it too' shit....Knowing if you were like that, you would just DO IT and not name drop. And join T-Bird in jail. You know, after the camera 'snitches' since you thought this was the movies and you could REALLY shoot T-Bird's witnesses in the Mall like he did so he wouldn't have to sit when that 'appeal' came back through. (There is a message in there. If you are smart as you think you are, you will get it.)

Da hell I look like rocking a 'Free' anyone shirt who is TRAPPED IN THEIR OWN MINDSET. He isn't free from himself or those influencing him. The hell I want him free for? Keep that nigga in there for all I care. He doesn't care about me. Why should I care about him? How do I know he doesn't care about me?

PEOPLE LIKE YOU TELL ME EVERYDAY HE DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT NOTHING...That's how I know. You are CONSTANTLY telling me how the fact that he doesn't 'care about nothing and will do anything' is his/her most endearing quality. Then you wonder why I fall back from you....(Chuckles) I mean, I can DO THE SIMPLE MATH HERE. Doesn't care about anything in the World + I am a part of the World= Doesn't care about me and my family. Tell me why I should care again? I'll wait...

...oh you mean except me if he gets to know me? So now I gotta get to know every TOUGH TONY in the World? Man please. That is an excuse too. What if he doesn't know me and I have never done anything to him? I know, you have no REAL ANSWER FOR THAT. That is telling right there...

Look, I am not telling YOU  to stop caring about your peoples. If you REALLY CARED THOUGH, you would help them. Sending out messages about how they 'don't give a fuck about these n*ggas in the streets', don't care about following rules or the people they hurt along the way and then TURNING AROUND and trying to use the 'fear' of being associated with them to YOUR ADVANTAGE, is NOT HELPING THEM or helping people care about them. At all. Why would anyone in any position to TRULY help them do so if they know FULL WELL ''the person they are trying to help would just as soon rob and kill them for fun'? I know I wouldn't help anyone who wanted to hurt me but you expect 'people' to care? Why? What you are calling being 'supportive' is in turn hurting them. Lets not even talk about how some of you are 'preserving people's legacies..' That is another post altogether.

Number 4...Either you are soft or you tough. There is no in between...

Do I REALLY have to explain this one? So nowadays, either you have to have 100 bodies on you, still walking the streets mind you, or you have to be soft as Charmin. There is no in between. Yeah...okay...Only an IDIOT would think that this 'ranking' system is acceptable. Unfortunately, there are plenty of idiots that subscribe to this. Are there 'levels'? Sure are. These aren't the only two.

Unfortunately, since this is the mantra that gets portrayed in 'every urban' setting, people find that out the HARD WAY. Some people have 'legit motivation' to do some of this 'tough' shit you all like to run around saying you do on GP. You might get it if you mess with that geeky white nerd's wife. Destroy his 5k comic book collection. The geeky librarian chick who doesn't go out to 'ghetto spots', just MIGHT KICK YOUR ASS if you mess with her husband/man. She just might give you a 150 if you touch one of her kids. You NEVER KNOW. It HAS HAPPENED.. Doesn't make it any less damaging because he/she is not doing over 'drug turf', a side of a city or a gang. When are ya'll gonna understand that? Ever? There is a white man sitting in his house RIGHT NOW, HOPING AND PRAYING a black person comes in his YARD so he can shoot 'em. Do you know that? We have got to stop thinking or EVEN TRYING to have the market cornered on being crazy...It is hurting us.  Too many of us want to be the 'Nigga Heavyweight Champ' of the World (the title is as factious as a Rocky movie..yet everyday I hear a person claim.."I run these streets..."...yawns..)

Of course when the 'legit reasons' come into play that fly straight into the face of the 'street reasons', then the excuses start flying....I hear it all then...All types of pleas copped...
"Oh he was just scared...that's why he shot him. He ain't no real killer...."
 "That bitch was just backed into a corner....She couldn't t do that like (Insert name of idiot known for doing dumb shit offa GP) She was the REAL bad......"

Whatever nigga.....The real killers are over in Iraq fam. In those Third World countries where THEY ARE TRULY STRUGGLING. No cable? Pfft..Try NO HOUSE. Try no running water. No party? How about no place to PARTY? The kids REALLY are running around with choppers in their hand and they don't share one. They ALL HAVE ONE. There is no "Let me go get the chopper'..It is in their hand...Kinda puts into perspective when you start thinking about it like that huh? Oh you don't believe it is like that. Use this thing called the Internet for more than poking broads on Facebook and talking tough Tony. It is out there to be seen. Stop spinning your wheels on WorldStarHipHop....Go look at some REAL SAVAGE FOOTAGE. Where they REALLY DO HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT. You don't have to be like that. You are CHOOSING THAT LIFE in most cases....

I want my respect....

Stop lying. You want people to fear you. If you didn't, you wouldn't keep mentioning how many goons you have, how many people you have killed and how many ways you can kill 'em. You wouldn't be telling people to 'tuck their chick' or don't wear their shine out or any of those 'opened air threats' niggas who want to be feared make. See, if you REALLY were in search of respect, you wouldn't care about ANY OF THOSE THINGS. 'Cause those things don't garner respect. They get fear. Fear that you might do something. Stop disrespecting the word 'respect' and our intelligences and say what you mean. You want to be feared. See but deep down you know if you say that, when it is no longer 'your run', anyone you made 'fear you' will be out for your head if they get half a chance. So I see how you are playing it.....

My last one is not a phrase/mantra/or a group of words that people LIVE BY. It is one that seem to have FORGOTTEN. So I am going to end this lil post on one you PROBABLY WANT TO LIVE BY. Instead of all this other bullshit you keep putting your energy into. Now this saying is old as dirt and will probably go against some of your 'core' principals but it is a true statement.

The 'forgotten' motto....

I am going to keep this one short and sweet. I keep hearing folks talk about 'codes' and honor and shit in regards to 'the streets'. Everyone wants to be a criminal, goon, bad guy, thug, thugette, or whatever but everyone wants to ignore the PINK ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. When you play a game with dishonorable people, you can't expect them to be honorable. Even within the rules of the 'game'. Yet, this is what some of you want. To quote probably YOUR FAVORITE SHOW...

You want it one way....-Marlo

I have heard MANY OF YOU quote that man yet have MISSED THE LESSON it was supposed to teach. All because it 'mirrored' some 'street tale' you heard/saw half of/or that actually went down minus the million dollars at stake (more like a thousand) and the movie cameras.

It is no surprise to those of us who are 'rationale' when we hear about people snitching, robbing from each other, not keeping their word, etc, etc, etc....One bad guy out for self + another bad guy with same ideal= disaster. So you will have to excuse us if we don't look 'shocked' when you say "I can't believe what's his name did that. I thought he was a stand up dude...' As if a 'stand up dude' would exist in a World THAT FLIES ITS CORRUPT FLAG....Sounds ridiculous when it is typed out? Imagine how it SOUNDS when you say it then....Or it is your motto...your creed..ALL THAT YOU STAND FOR...Its no wonder folks are looking at you with four heads. It is COMMON SENSE.

It has nothing to do with us' not living it' or not understanding it. Hell, half of you don't know me to know WHAT I actually know or don't know about all of that 'cause I don't have a big mouth. So you will NEVER TRULY KNOW. Even if you ask me. I don't 'nut off' on others knowing how 'bad' I am so miss me with the 'well everyone I know would everyone to know that..' shit. You need to get to know more people then Jack. Your horizons are too small.

What is the point I am getting at? You aren't serious are you? Really? If you don't get it, no amount of me explaining it will help you. Good luck to you in all you do if you can't figure out what I am trying to say.....


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