50 Cent making a dance album...sorta...

I mean he has to branch out right? Right? (Chuckles)

Look, I like 50 as a rapper so you need not think I am 'hating' on him as ya'll like to say. I am just reporting that he is (allegedly)putting out a dance album. Do with the information what you will.

Here is what he says on his own website though...


"It's still 50 Cent on the record," Fif told Westwood. "I'm using different song formats. I'll write a rap song in the sequence of a different kind of record." When asked exactly what that meant, he said, "R&B records may have eight-bar verses and bridges along with the actual chorus. A traditional Hip Hop record has three sixteen-bar verses. So to write it in a different format instead of writing it the way a traditional rap record is written, it's to experiment with different things. It's still Hip Hop music, still 50 cent content. It's just written in a different way. "


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