FYI- It stands for Two In The Shirt in case you are wondering...
Estevan Oriol x TITS BRAND x Rosa Acosta from World Wide Rev. on Vimeo.
Any of you ladies out there in the REAL WORLD who look like this here, don't be ashamed. You can see these aren't 'airbrushed' joints. That is her au natural. I am not mad at it. Actually, neither gal is 'touched up' in these pics. Go for what you know and be proud of who you are and what you have. Trust me, us REGULAR dudes like that and we all pretty much know the difference between a photoshopped/well angled picture and what isn't. Be proud. I guarantee you that any of you out there who feel you need to 'lose some things' have a man who watches you walk across the kitchen every day thinking 'Yes! That is what I like..' or who can't keep his hands offa you. This is why! We like this sorta thing too! @ what is pictured below. We don't always say it but we think it.
P.S. Understand this too. The gym is not the enemy. You see the exercises that gal is doing (She is from the 'Forever' video by Drake and 'em) Weights aren't going to make you look boxy if you do things properly.....
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