This is what happens when you are not taught to respect authority.

Now, I already know that the majority of the people I know are going to AUTOMATICALLY JUMP on a certain side of things. That is your right. Do that.

Check this out here though. Regardless as to whether or not she was right or wrong, at SOME POINT, she (24 years old mind you)crossed a line and blurred things up. I REALLY wish it would have been recorded from the VERY beginning so we could see the issue. (Reports say: 'Things got heated and when a fellow student told Foster to sit down. Foster allegedly threw a water bottle at the student compelling the professor to call campus police.)..Now if you take your emotions out of this video and put yourself in the teacher's shoes, she had every right to want her up out of her class. This is not 'required' schooling. This is higher learning. It is a privilege. Sorry. People are paying to go there. Some are there for free via scholarships, some have Mommy & Daddy paying, or whatever but all are there to LEARN. The actions being shown here by the student (I won't say her name here but the video will be all over soon. You will know her name.) are DEPLORABLE. This isn't the fucking streets. You don't 'cuss at your professor' and then think it is going to just 'be okay'. No. Any of you out there making excuses for this shit need not look any further than yourselves as to why shit is fucked up out here RIGHT NOW. @ the way kids/young adults/etc are running around acting. That type of enabling attitude is what has our kids out here 'flash mobbing' (Political my ass ya'll. Stop it.)now. They think they can do WHATEVER and no one is supposed to challenge them. Don't come to me boo hooing if you are running around acting this way after the cops come and do their job. You are in class acting like a fucking nut. So they are going to treat you like one. She asked you to leave. Bounce and come back another day. smh This shit has no place in school. On any level really but DEFINITELY not in college. There are rules despite what people think. You don't follow 'em you get dealt with. She asked her to leave. It is on tape.

I ain't did shit. and I ain't moving so you are going to have to carry me out'- ole girl

Then when they did it, here she comes talking about 'What the #$$# are you doing?"

Their job. You threatening them with not moving doesn't mean a thing...People I tell you. That macho bravado shit only gets you so far.

Look, I understand taking a stand for things and standing up for something. You might want to make sure you are in the right when you do it though.

Ya'll have fun making T-shirts behind this dumb shit. Count me out. @ the protesting and other crap that is sure to come from this.

Do better.


This past Monday, the video of a UW-Milwaukee student getting arrested in class hit and became an instant news story.

According to Today's TMJ4, a witness had said, 24-year-old Robyn Foster began arguing with the teacher of her anthropology class. Apparently Foster thought a question on her last exam had been worded poorly and was upset over the matter. When she approached her anthropology teacher, Kathleen Foley-Winkler, told her to please speak with her about the matter after class. This made Foster very upset and she began arguing with Foley-Winkler as she wanted an answer immediately.

After 15 minutes of arguing with Foley-Winkler, Foster was asked to leave, but refused. When this didn't work, another student had asked Foster to sit down and Foster proceeded by throwing a water bottle at the student. As stated by Today's TMJ4, Foster then became disruptive towards Foley-Winkler and other students. When Foster became disruptive towards all, it prompted another student in class to turn on their camera and start recording.

After Foster became more boisterous, Foley-Winkler decided it was a good idea to call UWM Police to remove Foster from the classroom. When the police arrived, Foster told them she would have to be carried out because she didn't think she was causing any sort of disruption. Just as Foster asked, UWM Police carried her out from the classroom, but not before first holding her down and then removing her.

In the video taken by the UWM student in Foster's class, you can hear Foster stating she is "not resisting" the arrest. However, one of the UWM Police offers said, in fact, she was trying to "pull away," according to Today's TMJ4.

After all is said and done, Foster is removed from the classroom and is cited for disorderly conduct. The University is still investigating the incident.

When asked what some UWM students thought, most opinions were mixed. Some thought the UWM Police arresting her was appropriate where others thought it was a bit extreme. What do you think?


  1. Kids these days have ZERO respect for authority.

    I love how she starts out saying that she doesn't have to go anywhere, and that someone would have to carry her out. When the officers come to do JUST THAT, she starts backpedaling. She really did deserve to be carried out. She could have just left on her own. Disruptive and disrespectful.

  2. I am definitely not one of those people who scream police brutality simply because they're doing their job. It would have been one thing for them to come in beating her unconscious on sight; totally different them just escorting her rude ass out the building.

    When you act an asshole and get treated accordingly, that's your problem you inflicted on yourself LOL

  3. I had to stop the tape on some 'I know good and damm well she didn't just....' @ copping pleas after all that tough talk.

    Basically @ Assertive. I don't feel bad for people when they are in the wrong. I just don't. I have kept away a lot of fake friends that way 'cause I don't empathize with bullshit.





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