Look no further than Twitter to reaffirm what you think about your favorite (insert title here)

This is not news by the way so don't take it like I think I am breaking some startling new revelation to you.

These are just my thoughts ladies and gentleman.

We know all of the people that are famous/'semi famous'/whatever for their various talents. I already don't like 'revering' people beyond their talents. Twitter just reaffirms this thinking for me.

The craziest thing is that out of all the people who I have followed, seen tweets from, or who get quoted in my timeline by others ('cause that is how a lot of them are introduced to me as I don't follow them.), Lil Wayne is one of the better ones. He, out of all people, would have more leeway to act an ass but doesn't. lol

I have producers waxing philosophical about sports (not that they can't know about sports but on some 'You can't tell me nothing 'cause I am such and such..." )or some magazine writers flooding my timeline talking about 'what we don't know' and how much more they know about hip hop in certain areas....to people getting their whole area hyped up to 'beat up artists' when they come into their area...smh Come on ya'll. Really? None of the people I am alluding are on the 'top' of their respective crafts even though they have the respect of the 'underground' so you can imagine just how 'angry they tweet.." It is fuckin' sad really.

It is days like this that lead to my absence from Twitter as even if I don't follow them, I have to be subjected to their tweets. Alas, the good and bad of Twitter.

Bear with me, I don't rant much. So save it. Aight...





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