Oh yeah....

Welcome back to those of you who are following from the fan page on Facebook. I thank you for coming back. Truly. I felt bad removing it from the stream in the fashion that I did. I hope this method meets your needs. Things are still the same if you haven't been in awhile. Some risque things. Some grown up things. Some serious things. Some playful things. And plenty of music. Nothing has changed.

My apologies on behalf of RIM to those of you who are coming here on Blackberries. I can't see my own vids on my Storm so I know you guys aren't seeing some of the videos. In the future, I may consider putting up a hotlink so you can use the youtube app on BB to look at the videos.

Shoutout to those of you who are not sure if you want to follow but keep hitting up the blog via Facebook too. I see you out there near Todd Estates and other places. Just wanted to let you know I see you too. No worries. I put the link up for it to be looked at. No shame here. The link to the left up top explains alladat though if this is your first time here. Let me stop acting like the site doesn't have a tracker. I know when it is your first time here. Well now second...Read the link fam...You will see what I mean.



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