Well...Let me see how much I can cover since

I last posted.

My father damm near went into a diabetic coma in November. He is aight right now, thanks for asking.

Plaxico is an idiot. Period. C'mon fam, handle your affairs.

My TEAM IS STILL ALIVE. Oh if you know me, you KNOW WHO MY TEAM IS. Next up. Baltimore. (More on that later.)

We won. I wasn't going to blog too much about that 'cause it has been blogged about TOO DEATH. I will type about it from here forward though.

I am still 'here'. That is a shoutout to the someone who is probably wondering is he dead? Did he give up? No. I am still here. It is what it is.

I just had a birthday. My lil girl did too. I have some vids and they may make their way here. Depends on the audience and all of that mess. (Wait, nobody reads my blogs 'cause I don't blog enough. Duh.....lol)

Still writing. I have enough stuff for two books actually.

Okay, that is all I can think of for now. I am sure there is more but I just don't feel like talking about all that. Let's focus on current stuff.

This Facebook thing has finally GOT ME. I am on it and I 'get it' now. Someone at another place I frequent bought up an interesting topic in regards to it though.

Family. In particular parents on Facebook.

I personally am fortunate 'cause my parents have ZERO interest in a social network. Yes, they DEFINITELY use the Internet but they aren't uploading pictures to a profile. Nor am I encourging them too do so. I will say that I do have older cousins (as my family is HUGE) that are starting to marticulate their way to the site. I do see THIS AS AN ISSUE. Well, I take that back. It COULD be an issue if I didn't know how to set up the account to limit their access.

Now I am a parent myself so I supposed that some point, my being in the 'cyber' world will undoubtly be frowned upon by my kids. I know it. Thing is I don't care and unless it is for parental purposes, I have no DESIRE to be all up in their personal business when they are adults. So for the life of me I can't figure out any older person (read: parental type figure to a person) desire to 'friend' anyone younger on a social network. All that is going to happen is that you are going to see, hear and witness sh#t that you DON'T WANT TO KNOW. Do you really want to see your niece with #ss up in the air posing for the camera with a bottle of Vodka in her hand? Welp, if you sign up to friend her, that is a GREAT POSSIBILITY. You can't get mad either 'cause chances are 15 years ago (hell maybe even now on the right night) THAT WAS YOU. You gotta think FOR YOUR UNDERLYINGS sometimes and really stop and say "Do I want THIS MUCH ACCESS to what you are doing?" These things are very personal. It is one thing to share them with a 'non stranger' that you have never officially met who lives in Cali. It is an entirely other thing to share it with your Uncle who you will have to sit across from at the annual Easter dinner. Think people!! That's all I am saying. On both sides. Use the personal account controls. It is free you know!!!


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