Random mini story from a friend, that damm Lebron shot

& the Black Berry Storm 2

The best line ever - In the grocery line standing behind this lovely young lady with body J.lo would pay for, talking on one of those invisible ear thingys. She was standing there looking down her hair was covering her face. she pops up like toast. "I am the best shit since fire mutha fucka, I aint jealous fool, but I damn sure aint stoopid..... Why she gotta hug you with her titties.... and shit."

My friend Chela Simone is a fool for sharing that story with me. You can find her here.


She is a beast musically. Very good people.

That damm Lebron...Just take one more look.

As you probably already know, I wanted to purchase a Blackberry Storm. I was all set to make my purchase until I saw this..


Looks like those Blackberry Storm rumors are TRUE eh? No click screen? Hmmm. I might have to hold off on that purchase it seems. Wait it out a bit.

Someone reminded me that my blog is a 'adult content' blog. I have not decided how I am going to live up to that billing yet. Obviously, the words take care of that to some extent but maybe some pics might pop up. Maybe. We will see. I want more followers though so I am going to keep the options over.

For some reason, I cannot active links anymore in my posts. I am working on that. Until then, you are gonna have to copy and past the links I put up. Sorry for the trouble. It is pissing me off too. Trust me.


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