Bryce Harper & Jeremy Tyler


If you don't know these two names, don't worry you will. Both of these young men will BE IN THE SPOTLIGHT SOON ENOUGH. One is the 'future of baseball' while the other is said to be pretty much a lock to go to the League in basketball. Both are leaving school for preparation in their respective sports to go Pro before their senior years in high school.

Bryce will be attending JUCO after getting his GED to be eligible to do so. He is basically been THE PROSPECT in Major League Baseball in America for quite some time. If the boy is that good, I say it is a smart investment. He is scheduled to be the 1st round pick in that draft. I have friends who got drafted and they were PRETTY good and made out fine. Education and signing bonus given to them. Here's a hint, one of them plays for the Camden River Sharks now and and attended the Unv. of Miami. None of the people I know were the number overall pick either. I think the boy will be fine as long as he either pans out or is smart with his dough. It isn't like he ISN'T GOING TO SCHOOL EITHER. Lets not forget that.

Jeremy is taking it a step further. He is actually going to GO PRO now and hopes to play in Europe a la Brandon Jennings. This may seem odd to us Americans but QUITE HONESTLY, that is how all of those Euro cats you see balling here in the NBA do it. They have been playing professionally since age 14 for the most part. So it is NOTHING NEW to them. Of course, we are all going to be in an uproar. He is spoiled. He is this. He is that. Look, like people have always said before, if that is what you are destined to do, it will work out. If not, you will adjust. For every six or so Korelone Youngs and his like that had to do something else, we got a Kobe Bryant or a Kevin Garnett or hopefully a Brandon Jennings. The young man plans to go to college while there as well as get his GED prior to going too.

I want you guys, especially those of you who have REALLY regular jobs (no knock either) to do the math with me. @ those who think this is stupid.

Take $40k per year and see how many years it is going to take you to make a million? We aren't talking AFTER TAXES either. Before.

After you finish, you tell me just how 'dumb' these two young men are then for taking the chance they are. Both will have GEDs. Both will be taking college credits. One abroad at that!


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