A changing of the guard that is DIFFERENT than before..

And now that that's that Lets talk about the future
We have just seen the dream as predicted by Martin Luther
Now you could choose to
Sit in front of your computer
Posin' with guns
YouTube up
Or you could come with me to the White House get your suit up
You stuck on being hardcore?
I chuck the deuce up
Peace out Medusa
Welcome to the Blue-ah-Print-ah Tre piece Jay-Z your tutor
Tooter of my own horn Beep beep move-ya
Ras clot when rude boy come through with the roof up
So I could see the sky
Cause everybody talkin' Hov I think we know why 

Remember when he said, "Lyrically, I should be Talib Kweli...."? This is what he meant. He gives you ni##as this and all I HEAR FROM THE CRITICS is 'it is okay'. Talib says this line, Nas says this line, Pac says this line, or (insert your favorite unknown rapper) says it and all I would hear is this bullshit...

"See now if Hov rhymed like this, I might fuck with him...." as you wipe the proverbial residue off your chin.. 

He did it. He is SPITTING REAL TRUTH. AGAIN. Talking directly to the youth. Knowing FULL WELL THAT THE 'hood hood' is gonna frown on that shit. Use it to say he is 'soft', sold out, talking that 'white shit'....Knowing good and FUCKING WELL THEY WERE DANCING IN THE STREETS WHEN THE POTUS got elected. When Jeezy and Hov made the 'hood anthem' for his victory BEFORE HE FUCKING WON. Talking about 'It is time for change..." right along with Barack. I can only hope those same people who thought it was cool that Barack embraced Hov got THE MESSAGE. That they understand that HOV got the message is now trying to relay it back on the ground level. I can only imagine the backpedaling that will spew outta cats mouths all for the sake of keeping it 'real'. @ the reactions to this. If you back pedal now, you are no better than those racists people ya'll love to talk about or 'the man' as we like to call him. You are a hypocrite if you can't at least SEE the good in this message and you are doing no better than the people that have 'oppressed' others for all of these year. I won't speak on whether you SHOULD be strapped or not. I am not here for that. Times, places and situations call for it. I am strictly talking about the blatant 'Ooh I got a gun..." advertisements that seem to be all the rage. Lets just say that a whole lotta people have guns and that it should be on a 'need to know' basis as to whether you have one or not. In case you did not get that outta his verse, THAT IS ALL HOV IS SAYING THERE TOO.

This post started out with this...

Hip Hop is the only genre of music (fans and artists alike to boot) that has this hangup with growing 'old' with all of this backlash. You don't see Fall Out Boy (You can insert ANY OF THESE NEW BANDS IN HERE FOR ALL I CARE, if you don't like my example. They can't see Mick and them) talking that shit. Talking about 'The Rolling Stones/U2/or any of them established groups suck or that they need to sit down and retire. They don't do what we do. They had their run but fuck 'em...." Why? If there is a rivalry like that, they keep that shit behind closed doors so the genre can thrive.

A. They respect the longevity of their run. Their fan base isn't DEAD by any means and they can sell out that big stadium in London or a football stadium in the US. Fall Out Boy might be LUCKY if they can get a third of their fans that download their music to show at their shows. Period. They are POPULAR NOW but they don't have that time in.

B. Just like with rap, them rock and roll dudes are talking the same shit that those other groups talk about. Broads, money, partying and drugs. Only the slang has changed. You think rap hasn't gone in that cycle your ass needs to use Google and see what it is. Same cycle. Nobody is talking about much new that isn't a 'historical event' and even that isn't 'new'. Just the actual 'event' is. @ talking about political issues and stuff. I know many of you think you are 're inventing the wheel' with your talk, slang and the like. Newsflash. Cats been did that. Maybe you didn't hear about it or your peoples didn't know but it has happened. Plenty of guts and glory stories to go around. Plenty of 'teaching' and 'guiding' being done before you and after you. Just like I am not the first person to bring this all to light in print, there were people BEFORE YOU. Probably BADDER THAN YOU. Deal with it. I have come to grips with it. It is okay. It won't kill you to admit it. It is working for 'them'. They are all getting money. Living good. Not getting their entourages shot the fuck up. Getting in petty beefs over REALLY STUPID stuff OR TRYING TO LIVE OUT THEIR past to show they are hard.

C. They DON'T HAVE TIME TO DO IT. They are too busy grinding..Trying to stand out amongst their peers.

D. Those artist REACH OUT and give back to the younger set. The younger set are 'well versed' in classic rock and even if they don't 'listen' to it, they respect it. The respect is returned for the most part. The older set doesn't run away from it. They don't have their heads so far stuck up their asses that they think they are better than those groups 'cause they are established. They give back..........

(Come back to this and read it again...I think you will find out where this fits in all of this and it might make more sense. I hope..lol)

As I was writing this I RAN INTO THIS INTERVIEW...It ALMOST sums it up perfectly. I guess my question is more 'Why can't we though??" or a "Will change so that we can be as successful as Rock N Roll?" I mean, we got 'now' but can we keep it for the long haul and what needs to be done to make sure that happens.

There is a changing of the guard. It is life. It happens. New cats/fans come up all the time. Somebody has to be 'hot' at the time and that always changes. There is no problem with this to me...This time it is different though. The last time we had this happen, the people who 'let hip hop' go had not grown up on it. They weren't dedicated to it unless they were INVOLVED intimately. This time with this generation, that is not the case. We pretty much grew up on it. It is has been the background to our lives since we pretty much have been able to make independent decisions. Hip Hop is still young so we have never had what is about to take place happen on such a wide scale. The 'passing of the guard' by a set that really doesn't have to 'give it up' 'cause they TRULY understand the genre. They ARE THE GENRE in the sense that they lived it from pretty much the beginning. (Waits for someone to take that as to say there would be no hip hop at all without said set..No, that's not what I said. Yet. lol )

Rock and Roll has been AROUND LONG ENOUGH FOR THEM TO HAVE GONE THROUGH THIS CYCLE. Hip hop has NOT. That is the point I am trying to make. Maybe a Jay-Z doesn't need to be on 106 and Park (I don't wanna see Hov/Nas/Etc on there either). That doesn't mean that the whole fan base that they established should be abandoned. Like he said in the interview, making music talking about things you don't do anymore is bullshit. I agree. That doesn't mean you can't make music anymore.

As long as you stay true to yourself, you can make music forever.-Hov

Again, this is not sports or some physical activity. As long as you are mentally sharp, you should be able to do this (hip hop) for a long time.

I think he hit it on the head at the CURRENT mentality of hip hop:

'This is a young man's game..'

If that is the motto we are going move hip hop FORWARD with we might be in a lil trouble. We will pigeonhole it. It probably won't have the longevity of Rock N Roll. You think it is bad now? @ the skinny jeans, backpackers, thugs, and dopeboys. Wait, 'till we OFFICIALLY put an age limit on it. As in, 'You can't rap after age such and such...'Watch how far it gets....

If we do that, rap might not ever be anything but the same stories told from ages 5-29 or age 34 tops. Now, I could see if the LIFE EXPECTANCY of everyone who listened to hip hop was 29 years old but WE ALL KNOW THAT IS NOT THE CASE. Since Hip Hop is so young, we have NEVER had to face the fact that an ENTIRE generation grew up on it. When it started, EVERYONE IN THAT GENERATION was not on board. It was MY GENERATION that FULLY EMBRACED THE MUSIC. It was MY GENERATION that went to the shows. That demanded that Hip Hop be part of homecomings at HBUS. At major arenas at ALL TIMES. While I am sure hip hop will 'survive' without us, I am not sure of how long. Not only that, we shouldn't HAVE TO GIVE IT UP. There is no clear reason to.

Now I am not some bitter old man who does not like today's music. I think my blog CLEARLY states that. I love NEW ARTISTS. (Shoutout to Jadin, Shizz, OT Records as a whole) and I DO Promote them here all the time. I don't require music to sound like it did 'in the 80's/90's' or stifle any of the creativity that goes on now. Do your thang young boys/girls. Even if we already did it, it is okay for YOU TO EXPERIENCE IT. You need to put it in your own words. How you 'did it'. Not trying to fuck that up for you. What I am saying is simple though.....

The music does not belong to just you....Sorry. It just doesn't. MAYBE THE WHOSE HOT RIGHT NOW SHIT DOES, which is fine. Take that and run with it. But not on a whole. Sorry. Maybe that mantra flew when it was the 'calling card' used by lil people everywhere to rebel against their parents or some shit. We are FAR BEYOND THAT. Hip Hop is bigger than a big 'fuck you' to some lower level authorities..At least to me. It is the music that I grew up on. Just like my Pops and them will continue to pump that Smokey, Marvin and stuff (as will I in addition to my hip hop), I will always be putting on that Kool Moe Dee, that Jay-Z, that Drake, that PE, that 'Cube or HELL even you 20 years from now (Lord willing I make it AND YOU DO TOO!) that will be considered ancient or classic.

Again, I will reiterate, I will GLADLY let new dudes shine. That is the purpose of this. To make sure everyone is okay in the end and that they get a turn. I won't dismiss older ones for the SAKE OF IT THOUGH. Nope sorry. Don't expect me to and PLEASE don't come running up on me with that. I give EVERYONE respect.

Rant over. And it was a rant. It is a blog after all..Shit. You thought I wouldn't do it? Ni##a please..I just want you to think about that the next time you say 'So and so should retire.' This shit is chess, not checkers my nig.



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