Late Pass me if you must. He has a SPECIAL kinda venom in his voice

The Madd Rapper has NOTHING ON THIS CAT. Look, I am not saying he is all the way wrong or right either. He has some VERY VALID points. Like most things though, if you criticize one side of things, the other side cries foul. I am guessing he has heard enough criticism of the Black male and decided to speak out.

Now I don't agree that EVERY WOMEN is like he is saying. I know better. But just like every dude is not a model father (or hell, even a PRESENT FATHER), every mother isn't a saint nor are their motives pure. For every one of you out there who will take umbrage to what he is saying, I want you to remember that 'gold digging, no good, blood sucking tramp/b#tch/slut/whatever you called her' that your brother, newly divorced Dad/ex boyrfriend/good male friend was fooling with and all of her 'redeeming' qualities that you so astutely pointed out to him. It didn't negate you (and yours) from being a good mother so you being a good mother shouldn't negate his points that he is making about those who do what he is saying. They DO EXIST. I will post the rest of his videos at the bottom but this is the first one I ran across. (Shout out to TJ too! Good looking.)

I wish he could say all of this without the 'venom'. It might actually be taking REALLY seriously.

Here is part 1....He wasn't any nicer to Black people on a whole either so but this is where he started going in....On Oprah..His point on the 'Men want things back like they were in the old days..." The rest? Debatable.

Part 3 His voice changes.....

If you like what you are hearing you can get more here...href="">


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