The A.I. 30 in 30 special that aired on ESPN...

I wanted to sit on this post for a couple of days so that I could gauge people's feedback on it. I had a sneaking suspicion that most people who had formulated an opinion about Allen one way or the other were doing so half cocked (What else is new? People do this all the time.) Either they let their peers 'tell them that he was cool'/'no good hoodlum', listened to the media's opinion about them in their area, or flat out looked at him, made their judgment based on his look and kept it moving.

Boy, was I right. All of my Twitter timeline was full of "I didn't know he went through it LIKE THAT!?!"

Or, he was enabled 'cause I know (insert names/cousins/stars at their high schools) was treated JUST LIKE THAT.

How dare he not go to class for a third of the school year and say it was 'cause his little sister was sick?

Damm, it was like that down there? All I knew about there was the Beach and Bike Week. I didn't know.

It is funny to me 'cause he didn't even have much say in this special. Matter of fact, he said he had nothing to do with it and he planned to tell his story. You know, forbid he tell his OWN DAMM STORY and all. @ some of you frowning up. I mean, what the hell would HE KNOW ABOUT HIMSELF? He has only been himself his whole life...(Chuckles) Anyhow, they showed a clip with him and Stephen A. Smith. It EPITOMIZES why I f#cks with Allen Iverson.

It is included in this LONG ass clip around the fourteen minute mark or so..(it is the WHOLE interview)....Where he spoke about the incident and how he wouldn't change it. How he had to go through what he did because of his actions. People SKIPPED ALL OVER THIS WHEN THEY WENT ON TO MAKE SOME OF THE COMMENTS THEY HAVE MADE ABOUT THE BOY.

Enjoy it and if you can catch the 30 in 30 on AI, catch it.

In case you have amnesia or are just too young to really know...



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