Part of me wants to say 'No'. The selfish part says 'Yes' Allen Iverson talking a comeback...

I say 'no' because I just want him to get a chance to be the player he is. Not the player everyone 'thinks' he needs to be. He is a 'Give me the ball, get outta my way, I am gonna get it done type of player. Yes, you may have to clear out and let him do him but he will give the ball up. He just can't do it for a team that DEPENDS on him to do it solely for long periods of time while the other players do nothing on offense. Which is pretty much how it has been and why he is seen as a 'failure' to most. I am not sure there is a situation out there for him to do this properly in...

The 'yes' part of is the part that saw him play last year and saw flashes of the 'old AI'. Where he took over games and nobody, not even the 'CLEARLY' faster than him Aaron Brooks, could stay in front of him. I also could see his knee was KILLING HIM as a testament to his only going 'one way' on the floor. If, and this if, he is fully healthy, I don't see him scoring at a pretty clip again to be a problem. The only issue I see is will he have to play that 'I've changed' role that pretty much relegates him to a decoy. Like he was used in Philly. They used him basically as the 'He might go off' guy and eventually teams figured out he didn't want to have the green light to shoot at will. That will have to change, even it means he does it with someone's second unit, for him to TRULY impact the game ON THE COURT TO ME. On the bench, I could see him being useful PERIOD. He has too much knowledge of the game not to be. @ helping the other players.

Of course I wish him well as he is my favorite 'current' player in the L. I just know it won't be easy. That's all. I am also curious as to 'where'. Will he take the Miami offer this time? I wonder.

Link to story

PHILADELPHIA -- Allen Iverson is working on a comeback.

Gary Moore, Iverson's personal manager, said that Iverson is planning a return to the NBA next season. Iverson returned to the Philadelphia 76ers in December and took a leave of absence in March because of family issues.

"Allen is working out and he's getting himself prepared to make his return," Moore said by phone Friday. "He absolutely will try and play next year."

Iverson left the Sixers to deal with an undisclosed illness of his 4-year-old daughter, Messiah.

"With God's graces, she's doing very well," Moore said.

Iverson has not talked publicly since ending his second stint with the Sixers. Iverson's wife, Tawanna, filed for divorce the same week he left Philadelphia. He posted messages on his Twitter account in March telling fans he expected to overcome the most recent obstacles in his life.

Iverson's most recent Twitter updates were promotions for his basketball camp in July and his documentary "Deconstructing Allen Iverson." Moore said the film could be released in the fall.


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