On: Expecting people to live by your 'code'...

You can't. So stop. You are wasting valuable time trying to figure out or openly question the following:

How could anyone live with (insert person, humiliating event, living conditions, etc)?

Just be glad you don't have to, your situation doesn't call for it or that you have been FORTUNATE ENOUGH to not have to find out what you WOULD DO IF 'XYZ' happened to you. This is EVERYWHERE TOO. The streets, the boardroom and in LIFE PERIOD. Life is hard enough already. You are making it harder. Sometimes your 'code' won't fit into the situation as well. You need to REALIZE THAT or you will be putting the bullet in your own head in many situations. Screwing yourself. Realize and recognize when and where to do what.

'Cause some of those same people you EMULATE aren't as TRILL AS YOU THINK THEY ARE. They have fronted and faked their way to a status that no one has called them on for VARIOUS REASONS. Some of them HAVE BEEN FOUND OUT but bounced back before you ever REALLY KNEW WHAT HAPPENED. You might have missed it.

Or you might not have been around to see it. I know a lot of you have seen a nigga do something and say 'But I have seen him/her DO IT!' so I know. That's cool.

I have seen him NOT DO IT too though. Sometimes BECAUSE HE knows he would have lost. Understand that. Time and place man. Even 'he' knows. Many of you miss that though...You think it is 'go hard time' ALL THE TIME. It is not. Cats don't get to live by being reckless man. Whether it is on the block, in the boardroom or wherever.

Some of those people aren't as 'bad' as you think. People are people. They error. Frequently. No matter how TRILL YOU ARE, you could find yourself with someone like that. In those situations. This isn't a video game or some hood ass novel. This is real life and in real life BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO THE BEST OF US. So getting on your horse because you have done some 'bad' things or because some of those bad things haven't come back around to you is asinine.

Some of those situations aren't as 'deal breaking' as you think they are once you find out JUST HOW MANY PEOPLE AROUND YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE SAME SHIT. If you live long enough, you will find out that there are more people who have fucked up shit happening to them than you would EVER IMAGINE. Yes even those 'BAD MOFOS' THAT NOBODY IN YOUR HOOD will mess with. There is always someone badder. Trust me. I have seen people have to find that out the hard way. Both with people visiting the places I have lived and with people where I have lived visiting other places. It happens BOTH WAYS. Understand that. Not 'being able to go back to certain places' for some people is ACTUALLY A BLESSING. I know for some of you, that is all you have. It isn't like that for everyone though. Matter of fact, it isn't like that for 85% OF THE WORLD. Most of you don't even realize that most people aren't 'from' where they are at now. But you wouldn't 'cause you have never left your own backyard.

While I am up here on the 'box'....

Some of you want to be 'feared' so bad that you will sign on to any belief. Stop that. Be yourself man. It will work out better in the end. I say 'feared' because 'respect' would garner different results.

If I respected you, if you are down and out, I would help you.

If I 'fear' you, I am either gonna try my best to step on your neck while you are down for all the times you tried to impose that or leave you laying to rot (within the situation). Anything might happen. All the excuses won't change that.

I probably lost some of you today with this post but all I will say is this....

I am all for keeping it '100'. I am just not 'selective' about it like you. You only want to talk about keeping it '100' when it comes to violence. Laying a cat down. Taking a cat's girl. Or something embarrassing to someone else. You can have all that shit. This is where we part ways. I KNOW LIFE IS MORE THAN THAT and I am not in need of new friends. So this is where we part ways? So be it. An old saying from WAY WAY WAY BACK....

It isn't all good. It isn't all bad...

So lets not act like it is ALL GOOD, aight? @ looking at your code as the 'all good'. Hats off to the cats that DON'T act like that. There are some. They will tell you, "This is what I do but I know it isn't all the way good..." I can respect that.



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