I hear the Cowboys fans blaming Roy Williams SOLELY for that loss..No. Jason & the D can get some too..

We all saw this..

Ummm Drew got the ball DEEP IN HIS OWN TERRITORY...Somewhere like the 15 or so..(Might have been less than that..) Where is THE DAMM DEFENSE? Your best corner got burnt. Your other corner gets burnt! Roy isn't out there covering receivers is he? Oh.....I mean Drew is Drew but DAMMIT MAN..He moved down the field like a hot knife through butter. It was commendable for Roy to 'take the blame' but last I checked, you STILL HAVE TO PLAY D. Especially when the other team starts DEEP in their own territory. You still have a shot..

And Jason? What kinda call was that to go for it on the 53 yard FG? 4th and 10? Yeah Jason? Really? But you expect the young boy to hit a 59 YARDER? Interesting.

Funny shit is if he hadn't done that PEOPLE WOULD BE STILL ON REGGIE for his fumble....Shit happens man. Should Roy have 'triangle'd down' and laid down after the catch? Absolutely. He was just trying to make a play though. Malcolm made a BETTER ONE. A helluva play. That's it. Matter of fact, had the Cowboys ALL SHOWN THE HELL UP at the beginning of the game, it probably wouldn't have helped. Spotting folks 17 isn't any way to expect to win. Sorry. That is on the coach some too.

Easy for me to say 'cause it isn't my team right? Well yes and no. Roy made plays. Blocked well and had more catches then Dez right? Oh.....Dez has next but he has to show up man.....Yes, he was open on that ONE PLAY he was pissed off on but he still has to keep playing. They had to take him off the field 'cause he was so pissed. Can't start that 'diva' shit....That's just my take on it. Ya'll need to ease up off of Roy to me personally. He is the reason that Dez HAS THE THIRD CORNER, safeties and linebackers trying to cover him. Him and Miles. I heard the announcers say he was the biggest threat. I guess so when you have the inferior defenders on your ass. He SHOULD BE. I like Dez too so I am not dissing him. Helluva player but lets keep it funky....


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