Coed Magazine's 25 Worst Things about Facebook....

You should peep it...I will give number 1 which is my pet peeve....

1. Facebook Chat

Facebook’s chat feature is sickeningly slow and prone to drop complete sentences for no apparent reason. Still, people use it. You open, like, three chat boxes and thats the game. Home: 0 Facebook: -4

Okay I lied....two of 'em...

6. People who reply to messages, on your wall

You wrote them a somewhat personal message, not appropriate for any other medium, which is located in their inbox. Instead of hitting the reply button to reply, they click straight through to your wall. Why not tap the reply button like a normal human being? Is it necessary that all our friends know we are corresponding? These people are also known to have replied on random photos, status updates, and event invites. So cool.



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