Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week- @SharikaEllis...Reese Cups pictures....and more.....

Yeah, I gave the series a break and was actually thinking of putting it TO REST. Thanks to a stupid comment on Martin Luther King's birthday out of all days by a narrowed minded person, it is BACK though. So will still get the commentary along with the eye candy. Deal with it! You see, I don't like pretending that things don't exist. I also think things should be done with a certain decorum. But I can show some of you online better than I can tell you so I am going to bring this series BACK. Still gonna flow the REALLY REALLY bad pics to the Tumblr but other than is BACK! Happy now? @ those who complained about it being gone. Good! Without further delay though 'relatively' UNKNOWN gal from Florida who wants to have 'next' in the game. Shakira Ellis. 

Don't say I didn't tell you about her. Wait, I did...over here.. Very appreciative person who seems to be working and grinding for all the exposure she has. So I it is only right she gets featured. 
Oh and miss her with the 'cliches'. She is bad PERIOD. From a lil town in Florida called Perry.



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