Another installment of the 'Chat Series'....Mini chat time... @FEOfficial (@phontigallo & @nicolaymusic)

Remember when said 'I asked some of the questions some you loyal fans wanted to know..' in  the post I made on the concert in Durham that took place on February 20th 2011? Those questions ya'll always hit me with when it comes to The Foreign Exchange and their members that I said I would ask. Well here they are. I took the top three questions and made sure I asked them. Nothing TOO EVASIVE. Nothing too silly. Nothing too 'revealing'. Not my style at all. I just wanted to make sure I got ya'll some of the information that you asked for that I couldn't DEFINITIVELY answer without speaking to them. Here you go. Enjoy.

*Please bare in mind.....This is all 'small talk' so don't think for one minute I THINK it was a full on interview. @ all you 'professional bloggers/interviewers/big wig people. I didn't think it then and I MOST CERTAINLY DON'T THINK THAT NOW.  The conversation, while prefaced with 'Let me ask you some questions fam..' was NOT presented that way when I was speaking to them so there are parts chopped out. On PURPOSE. Deal with it. I wouldn't do them (or anyone else like that) @ any remarks that I think wouldn't be said 'on the record' or without it being known that it is ON THE RECORD. So anything I feel that may be taken the 'wrong way', I won't talk about while still giving out some information that may be 'useful' to someone who is interested in their work. Understood? Good. Still and all,  these gentlemen don't hold their tongues in ANY INTERVIEW I HAVE  so don't think that if they didn't want it to be known, they would have said it. Are we crystal clear? Aight then. This 'information' is FOR MY READERS. If you happen to stumble upon (or read it via retweet via one of these gentlemen) the information GOOD FOR YOU. I am not calling it some 'scoop' or anything. They are just questions. Get off your own dick and formulate YOUR SHIT HOW YOU WANNA. This is MY SHIT. @ any questions about style, format or any of that other elitist bullshit ya'll get on when you didn't 'write it'.

Sorry about that ya'll. You ALREADY know how I am. Preemptive like a MOTHERFUCKER. So without further delay here is another installment of the 'Chat Series' if you will...Albeit brief...Only this one happened IN PERSON.

Question one was for Nicolay: 

The Warehouse: How in the WORLD is that you ended up working with a young Wiz Khalifa? How did that come about?

 Nicolay: That actually came about as an idea within the label. It was suggested that we work together and he was great to work with. Now mind you, Wiz was YOUNG...I am talking about twelve or thirteen...naw I'm kidding....but he was really young when I got to work with him....It is good to see him having success now after years of working....

The Warehouse:.....yeah..I think people think he just 'came outta nowhere'....He didn't. I STILL have emails from him when he was pushing his music via that medium.

(Someone else in the background chimes in...) I didn't know you had tracks with him.....Can you name one I should check for? (The irony is..this track is in the music player of this very blog. For some of you, it might BE PLAYING RIGHT NOW..)

The Warehouse: It is a very different Wiz spitting on those tracks...He isn't talking about (Makes smoking motion) on these joints. Anyone who says that he 'can't rap about anything else' should probably check for these joints for starters. I am not mad at him either. Obviously, he reps the team I LOVE but that isn't why. He is doing what he has to do. Even if I don't 'dig all the music he does'...

Nicolay: Agreed.

Question number 2 was for both Phonte and Nicolay:

The Warehouse: Will Nicolay be working on Phonte's solo album coming in the Fall? (I will let that sink in for a minute in case you have been living under a rock and DIDN'T KNOW THAT PHONTE HAD A SOLO JOINT COMING..and it is COMING. He committed to it via Twitter and in this very live session I am recapping...)

(Nicolay looks at Phonte with that wry grin...and they both say in unison damm near..) NO....

(Mr. Coleman speaks up) NO. I wouldn't ask my man to go backwards in that fashion. Ya know what I mean? Kinda been there done that...So no he will not be working on my solo album...

The Warehouse: (Holds hands up in a 'Don't shoot pose'...) I HAD to ask just to get that outta the way. I didn't THINK SO but I wanted to ask for myself. To hear it with my own ears....

Phonte: 'Tis all good my nigga...

The third question I actually revealed in the recap post. I will spell it out for you again though. Just in case you skimmed over it. 

The Warehouse: What new instruments are you working on playing for us Nic?

Nicolay The electric guitar...there are some other instruments that I am working on as well but the main one has been that guitar. I am proud to say that I am unveiling that this evening.

The Warehouse: Looking forward to that! (After having heard him play...I am looking forward to you guys hearing it too. It was a good look.) 

So there you have it..The three questions that most people ask me about the musical troupe known at The Foreign Exchange. You ask 'em, I relay 'em and get the answers. So the NEXT TIME I ask you guys to participate in a 'Ask your favorite artist questions' type of deal, DO IT. You never know. I might ask YOUR QUESTION.

Now I know some of you don't REALLY get just how known these cats are. I kinda hear some 'skepticism' in your voice when I mention them. So I am going to PLUG ANOTHER SOCIAL MEDIA SITE (I do that often here actually 'cause truthfully it isn't that deep to me. Knowledge is knowledge. Ya dig?) and let you see how they were received on their European tour that they JUST GOT OFF OF.

and they are coming to a city near you. Check THEIR WEBSITE FOR DATES..A certain blog's post on said site.....Here let me help you with THE MAIN LINK that so you don't have to Google it....

P.S. (Whispers)
The BLUE WORDS= actual links to the shit I am saying. Click 'em. They will take you to where those aforementioned posts and pictures are.


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