Okay...so I walk into my barbershop the other day...and they are bumpin' Frank Ocean...

Now as you PROBABLY know, minus the Fallon appearance, I have not spoken much on 'Odd Future'. Needless to say, when I walked into the shop and they asked me about  his compilation of unreleased songs, I was indifferent. It has been sitting in my 'download' box for a LONG TIME. Unzipped but never listened to. Decided I might wanna do that to see what 'all the fuss was about'. (More a lil later on why I wasn't trying to be set up to fail again..Keep reading) So I cue it up. I immediately recognize the voice. Fluke chance as to why I know it. (Maybe one day I will speak on that..) I recognized it. He is from N.O. He is also a SIGNED ARTIST.

Is there anything wrong with that? Hell no. Like I said though, I don't talk about them like that. I don't talk about them like that because their 'older' fans are acting like they are the second coming of Jesus potential wise honestly. I was left unimpressed with the 'angst' probably because..well..I am not stuck in the 13-25 'Fuck the World' conundrum. Nor do I long for those days that I WAS like that for that short period of time. I don't miss it. So yeah..I hadn't 'listened' to Frank Ocean....

Come to find out though, the newly minted Frank Ocean is the same cat (Lonny Breaux) that wrote for John Legend, Brandy and the "Biebs"...He isn't 'new'. Again, I have NO ISSUE with that but that is important to know. I would look at him a lil more critically knowing that he had been in the studio with the likes of them. That he had a deal with Def Jam already. I mean, upon listening to the tracks, you can hear the polish. So much for him being...urm....'new talent that a label hasn't tainted'....It ALSO stands to reason that because HE HAS BEEN IN LABEL LIMBO THAT HE IS ADVISING HIS 'GANG' ON WHAT TO LOOK FOR AND WHAT NOT TO 'ACCEPT' AS TERMS WITH RECORD LABELS. It all makes sense now. Along with whoever else is advising 'The Creator'. 

Now of course that might not mean shit to you but that just re-affirms what I already thought. I knew there was more to this story than it being just 'Some kids with enough sense from THE DOOR to try and get/to demand certain things. They have SOMEONE IN THEIR MIDST that has GONE THROUGH THE BULLSHIT. Again, no knock on THEM. You are supposed to use who you have in your camp as needed. This is strictly for some of ya'll. Shame on ya'll though for making it sound like they were just 'that savvy for no reason'. Yeah..I'm talking to you. And you. And You.

Mr.Ocean's joint is a good listen.... Two production giants..Midi Mafia and Tricky Stewart....Lyrics...The kind that got him his deal in the first place. Worth the check out. For sure. 

The 'striked out portion of the post'? That was for some of the people I KNOW READ THE BLOG. I expect more out of some you. You are a MUSIC SNOB FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Pointing out shit like I did is YOUR JOB. Not mine. My part in this is to sit back, 'co-sign your statements' with MORE VALID FACTS, and pass it on. Now I gotta do your jobs too? Fuck.  Get on your job people! I mean I go to YOUR BLOGS to read this shit. I shouldn't have to do this! This is not my job. It is yours. Get on your jobs dammit. Sheesh...@ the peeling of the layers of artists and their come ups.. Don't make me have to 'unsubscribe' to your shit and start writing this shit myself dammit! Get it together. I don't want to have to do this shit or REPEAT MYSELF AGAIN. We clear? Good.


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