Speculation: The game EVERYONE CAN PLAY.....I made this tweet earlier

Now by 'definition' the form of the word I am talking about is 'speculating' but that wouldn't have been catchy...

Speculating-  Form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence.

OUTTA NOWHERE AND LOST A GANG OF FOLLOWERS. Which I found funny....I was actually going to make this post on the subject but I wanted to see the 'response' to the phrase. It is just as I thought.

I was going to me NICE and say some folks do it but judging by that unfollowing spree folks went on, I have to go ahead and say MOST PEOPLE do it to a fault. Now we all do it, so I am not saying it like I am exempt from doing it. I am strictly speaking on the folks that do it to a fault. That do it so much that they think they can 'take liberties to do it all the time and call it fact.' Those are the folks I am talking about when I say 'the game we all can play'. 

Many times, there are those of us who LOVE TO PUT OURSELVES in the place of someone who is in a position that we have NEVER EVEN BEEN CLOSE TO BEING IN DURING ANY POINT OF OUR LIVES EVEN ON A SMALL SCALE and then get to waxing philosophical about what that person is thinking, feeling OR how they are gonna act in the future, what they are feeling currently or how or what that person is made of inside. Or even if we have done it we love to put what we would do on someone else. OR MY PERSONAL FAVORITE, TAKING WHAT WE WOULD 'LIKE TO BE TRUE' AND FINDING A BUNCH OF SILLY 'INDICATORS' TO BUILD A CASE TO 'MAKE IT TRUE'.

Before you say 'That's not fair! What else am I supposed to do? I mean I only know WHAT MY EXPERIENCE IS!" let me hold you up right there. This ISN'T ABOUT YOU in that fashion. It is about that person in the situation. Furthermore, MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY TIMES, NONE OF US HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION TO MAKE ANY TYPE OF FAIR ASSESSMENT OF THINGS to begin with. I think that is the one that I REALLY think is silly. This notion that because we 'can have an opinion' on an issue, that we SHOULD HAVE ONE and the way it has led to us playing the 'Game of Speculation'. 

Why does is this an issue? It is SIMPLE. I mean it is one thing to speculate about Lebron and Delonte or Pau and Kobe but UNFORTUNATELY, this bullshit mentality carries over to REAL LIFE SITUATIONS.  You SAME FOLKS who seem to WHOLEHEARTEDLY believe the two issues up top are the same bamma ass people who keep up 'the drama' in your circle of friends and in life in general. All you need to hear is a 'hint' of 'scandal' and you get to running your mouth. Spreading that 'hint' around like it is the gospel. On that 'Where there is smoke there is fire' shit but you are the one rubbing the sticks together to make the 'smoke'. THAT'S MY ISSUE WITH IT. Are we THAT pressed with 'knowing whose shit stinks' first that we have to stoop to 'spreading rumors', going off half cocked with misinformation and generally stirring up the pot like a bunch of bitter bitches that we have to 'play the speculation game'? Really?

ESPECIALLY YOU DUDES OUT HERE. I see you out here in these streets. Acting like little girls and shit. Whispering about this and that. Running with rumors. Kee kee keeing in the background. 'Speculating' on what you would do if you were such and such but ALMOST WITHOUT FAIL, DOING THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THE SHIT YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T DO WHEN YOU GET IN THE SITUATION. I see you. Offering up excuses but CLOWNING FOLKS HARD FOR NOT DOING WHAT YOU 'THINK THEY SHOULD DO'. Not that the girls are exempt from being criticized here but you OUT OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW BETTER IF YOU CALL YOURSELF A MAN. Men don't do that shit dog. Sorry. 

The kicker is, some of you SHEEPLE out here follow behind the person who starts/supports this bullshit EVERY TIME. That is, until the 'speculation' is about you or someone you like. Then its a whole lotta 'I can't clap to that..." Funny 'cause you didn't mind taking liberties with others. What's good for the goose.....I can't stand to listen to someone 'playing the speculation game' and passing it off as the 'gospel according to them'. I know SEVERAL PEOPLE MAKING A LIVING OFF OF THIS HUSTLE AND I THINK IT IS SAD. 

What is the difference between that and 'voicing your opinion'? - You

Here is the difference. Usually when one gives their opinion, they give it 'humbly' and concede that there may be some 'wrong' in it. They concede that it not 'the gospel' but the MERE STATEMENT OF 'In my opinion'...That's the difference. I am not talking about that. I am talking about folks that start off with 'If you think that what I am saying isn't correct, then you are a ...." or those type of SELF SERVING STATEMENTS on things that NONE OF US KNOW FOR SURE ABOUT. That's the difference. Both are not concrete but one is not pretending to be better than anything that anyone is offering up while the other is a pompous proclamation of an attempt to be ahead of everyone else in being 'right'. 'Cause some mofosmofo who is used to 'leading people around by the nose' with his/her good speculation on their bullshit. They will try you too. Make you think that 'you are mad' 'cause you see through their bullshit.  HIGH FUCKING COMEDY. Hats off to you cats who pull this shit off and have parlayed it into something profitable for yourselves. Truly. I laugh with you a lot. I laugh AT YOU WAY MORE THOUGH. 'Cause you are WRONG A WHOLE FUCKING LOT more than anyone EVER NOTICES. I notice though. You saying 'I've been wrong before' doesn't diminish the fact that you are 'over confident' with speculation and that it is wrong. But hey...keep making that money chief. Just know I know...I see you and you already know if you come BARKING THIS WAY what it is gonna be. 

So there you go. Some more clarification on what I meant by that tweet. Even if you didn't see it, now you know how I feel about it. I don't expect you to say 'Hey dog you are right!'. I don't care actually. I know I am. Shit is sad. Again, we all do it to some degree but some of you out here are taking it WAY TOO FAR.

I'm just here to call you on it...

Oh yeah..while I am up here, 'cause I know some of you think I am up on my horse and shit, let me address ANOTHER TWEET I MADE in regards to me 'judging you' if you don't certain things YET WANT TO COME 'CHALLENGE MY OPINIONS'. Again, I don't 'force my opinions' on folks as the truth but at the same time, I try to use these things called FACTS when I give my opinions. Not speculation. Not rumor. FACTS. I have a lot of you who are running up on me with 'What my brother/sister told me' opinions on things/situations/etc that I know 'facts' on 'cause I was living it. Stop it. Please. That's what that tweet meant. It was simple. The more I see some of you don't know, the more I can't respect your opinion on it 'cause you CLEARLY DON'T KNOW THE ERA AS WELL AS YOU BEEN FRAUDING TO. That's it. I can EVEN RESPECT IT IF YOU RESEARCHED IT TO THE POINT THAT YOU DO KNOW THE ERA. I don't need you to have been 'alive and not 8' to have a discussion with you. No. What I do need you to know is that Oprah smoked crack, that Pun beat his wife, that Zev Love X formed KMD (and thus some of us REMEMBER HIM FROM THAT..) and all the other little things that one would KNOW without having to Google because they were alive and fully aware of hip hop at the time. In the event that you DON'T, that's cool. We can still discuss it BUT REMEMBER that you can't 'tell me' (or anyone else who lived through that era) about it 'cause....well...we lived it. Got it? Good. 'Cause a lot of you keep acting like you don't know that and want to debate shit that quite honestly, ISN'T DEBATABLE. We had good hip hop. We had trashy hip hop and not just Ice Ice Baby. All rap wasn't deep and it MOST CERTAINLY WAS NOT PLAYED ON THE RADIO AT 1 PM IN THE AFTERNOON OR EVEN IN THE MORNING ON THE RADIO. I know I sound like an ass but I don't care. There is no other way for me to say this. Stop it. Just like I wouldn't DARE tell my parents about their music (even though I am a HUGE FAN OF IT and know a lot about it. ) 'CAUSE THEY WERE ALIVE WHEN THE SHIT CAME OUT. They LIVED THAT TIME PERIOD. They know the vibe that was going on. They were the fans then! How could I?


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