I made comments about J-Lo and Marc Anthony's split in jest on Twitter..

I don't think it is a secret for those that know me that J-Lo is on my 'permission slip' so to speak. That said, I would HOPE that folks would know the difference between 'shots in jest' and out and out 'hate'. I don't hate the dude nor was I wishing ill of their marriage. I'm not TELLING YOU what to do with the matter at hand either. Joke away about 'em. Say they aren't shit. Call 'em stupid. I just want to clear up what I SAID and how I actually feel about the matter. I am not 'saddened' by it 'cause ultimately it just isn't that big of a factor in my life but I will say I don't 'revel' in it like the joke seemed to imply. The human part of me that is understanding (I know some of you are OUTWARDLY vocal and proud that you don't own that element. Good for you. Want a cookie?) doesn't allow for me to revel in it. HOWEVER, since we are TALKING ABOUT IT, I will try to do so responsibly. With logic. I remember seeing this clip of them here...

Now of course they both are 'actors' (Stop it...I heard that..) but this little interaction here...Yeah. I won't go around calling him names or her names (You know I am not gonna do that now...) because as a person who is actually pretty intimate with the facets of their relationship (Read: Not theirs personally but my own life's travels down the road they have gone down.) I can 'feel' this moment. Remember that they have the kid thing going on in ADDITION to doing whatever it is that you think they 'deserve' to be doing or not.* Combining that with real life, being in the 'spotlight' and the like HAS TO BE TOUGH. Not impossible. Just REALLY DAMM TOUGH. Real EASY to sit on the sideline and wax on about 'What we would do....' or what 'they should or shouldn't have done..' ESPECIALLY if you aren't doing so in your own life.. Yeah, I'm talking to 'you' if you think I am.

I know better than to sit here and stand in COMPLETE JUDGMENT THOUGH. I have my thoughts of course but I won't sit here and just trash the shit outta of 'em. The shit is rough. Especially when I know REGULAR folks who seem to have troubles when it comes to settling down with one person, being with the parent of their kids and the like. I know folks who have been married more than the two of them combined and they aren't stars by ANY MEANS. Feel me?

Now I won't retract my statement about him looking like Skeletor...lol but I will say that any inference made by any of you who read that pertaining to actually talking about their marriage in depth and detail is pretty silly. NONE OF US KNOW what happened. Period. Yeah, I cited the 'friends thing' before they married and said that EYE (I) thought it was a tell tale sign but even THAT DOESN'T MEAN I AM RIGHT. I caught myself after that comment and scaled back because I could see me doing something that I hate that others do. Speculate. I can admit that though. (If you wanna bash me for that, have it nigga...) Just thought I would clear that up real quick. I won't say I won't make a joke about it but I am going to try to refrain from getting into too much detail about something that I, quite honestly, don't have CARNAL KNOWLEDGE OF.

I don't expect the same from the rest of you though so I will be reading and laughing at your tweets on a need to laugh basis. As you were..

* The kids thing is a touchy subject. Some of you 'don't have kids' and while I know we were ALL ONCE KIDS, I find it a little hard to get engaged with you on the subject knowing you TRULY don't know how it feels to have kids + a relationship going at the same time. Am I wrong for that? Perhaps. I can accept that if you feel that way but lets just say this. If you are doing a job that I have no knowledge of outside of just being 'a recipient of service' from it and I tried to tell you about the inner workings of it, would you listen to me and take me as an 'expert' on it? Oh......Didn't think so. That is not to say you don't know 'shit' but I'm just not really down to argue with you on something that I am actively doing. Regardless as to whether you are a product of the 'process'. Note I said 'argue'. Not discuss. We can discuss it and even DISAGREE. We won't 'argue' though. I won't allow it. Some shit you just need to see and do to understand FULLY.

I know some of you out there DO have kids. Some of you are operating as a 'unit'. If you are out there operating as a unit, then you already know the point I am trying to make hopefully. It is hard out there for a pimp. On both sides of that coin.

Some of you who have kids are on 'an island' though and may or may not get why it is so hard for 'two' parents to make this work. Especially if that is what 'you want' or long for. @ two parent thing (Nothing wrong with wanting it either...) To you I say this. While the added income, the 'breaks' from having to be 'the responsible one PRETTY MUCH ALL THE TIME' and the like would ADD GREATLY to your situation, you have to understand that there is give and take in that situation as well. Another person to consult with on matters can be a GIFT AND A CURSE. Trust me on that one. You may not agree. Another person around doesn't 'guarantee' all the 'help you may think it does' nor does it stop Life's every day things from happening. Oh and there is the matter of still trying to juggle the 'relationship' with that person in addition to taking care of that new life you have in your midst. Just some things to think about if you are one of those folks who 'can't understand' why someone who is actually 'with the person they had the kid by' can 'mess around and not be together' or how it could falter if you have NEVER had to deal with another person while raising/birthing/having a your child live with you.

I won't address those of you who have children but don't really see 'em like that/never even tried to be with your 'co parent/have a messed up relationship with your co-parent due to YOUR ACTIONS/lack there of but want to weigh in on 'How messed up it is...' Not today. Not enough time for you. You'll just have to 'twist in the wind' and wonder what I think. Another time perhaps....(There is a hint of how I feel though....just catch the tone of the paragraph. It starts with 'Nigga pleas....."


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