I WISH THEY COULD INVENT TIME TRAVEL just so some of you could see the dumb shit you subscribe to is BULLSHIT...Vol. 121231201 by Me.

If all you get out of this is 'don't pick on Kim K' then you lack reading comprehension. It actually isn't about her. It is about you. Yes you. Too many 'you's' to name so let me just end the speculation and say I am talking about YOU. That way you won't have to 'guess'.....

kim-kardashian-wedding-message-from-egotastic by EgotasticMedia

You probably shouldn't watch this tape if you AT WORK OR IN CHURCH. Let me just tell you that clips from her tape of Ray J. I was torn about even putting it up but I know most folks don't 'believe' the things they should and blindly follow the things they shouldn't...So here it is....I'm not promoting it though...Far from it actually...You guys COMPLAIN TO DEATH that she gets too much promotion. She gets MOST OF HER PROMOTION from you though. Yeah Candies put her out front and whatnot but THEY ONLY DID IT BECAUSE FOLKS LIKE YOU KEPT TALKING ABOUT HER.  I've seen folks try to 'blame' her for every act of what they deem 'hoedom' known to man. From Furious Styles daughter to the girl in their hood which is pretty much bullshit since this has been going on FOREVER. 

Not wishing anything bad on folks like this but surely won't be offering up my prayers when it happens. Ya know? @ the folks who go outta their way to do videos/pictures/screen caps and such like this.

I find it highly amusing when folks take shots like these at people they don't 'know' or fool with. Usually there are MULTIPLE shots taken, all in the name of 'I don't give a fuck about about that..' 

You see it isn't that I 'care' about Kim's well being and shit. She is fine. She could buy and sell 75% of you ninjas out here. That is the main issue for most of you. Straight jealousy. Period. You can deny it all you want but the statement that always lets ME KNOW PERSONALLY THAT I AM RIGHT IS THIS COME BACK to the 'jealous' diss the celebrity may (correctly) throw back to their detractors.

"If I had that kind of money it wouldn't bother me WHAT FOLKS SAID ABOUT ME...I would be doing me. Not listening to what folks were saying. I'd have money and I wouldn't care..." 

That is pretty interesting considering most of you LOVE TO HIT FOLKS WITH THAT IN ONE BREATH BUT IN THE NEXT BREATH IT IS "I don't care how RICH I GET, I am still going to be protective when it comes to my name and you mentioning it. Never going to get too big to do that." in another breath. Contradict yourself much? 

Again, don't defend to me that you aren't jealous either. I've heard your dreams over and over again. Most of you tell me them in 'every rap' you make. Or every story you tell. Every social network status you make. Or every make believe 'event' that takes place in your life that you over embellish to the TENTH POWER. 

It is the same story. You want your 'name to ring bells', your every whim catered to and you want......MONEY. Hand over fist, I don't care about that car I just crashed I will buy FIVE MORE TOMORROW THAT LOOK JUST LIKE IT....MONEY. So when you see someone you have deemed 'unworthy' of having said money you 'speak out on it'. That my friend is jealousy. Hate to break it to you. You have envy and hate in your blood. That's just what it is. I know you and your friends don't see it that way so don't use that as an excuse. They are YOUR FRIENDS. No shit. You all think alike and guess what? THEY ARE JEALOUS TOO. I see that when YOU HAVE A LITTLE BIT OF SUCCESS.

So what do folks who are 'jealous' of the things that aren't happening to them. They turn to what I like to call the 'Holy Grail of Ignorant Folks Scriptures'. They find one that 'fits' their stupid agenda and repeat it over and over again, citing the fact that it was in a popular song/movie/or book as the reason it is THE GOSPEL. Usually the author of said saying either died of the VERY THING HE PRESCRIBED BY (Gone too soon though...according to some). 

In this case it is this little wack ass saying...

"You can't turn a hoe into a housewife....."

Like I said in the title of this piece, if I had a time machine I could really dispel this 'myth' for you. I don't though so I have to 'take it there' to show that your 'hoe'* logic in regards to what their 'life will turn out like is pretty fucking flawed. 

That 'sweet old lady' at the store who looks out for you when you take one can of soda too many? You know when you were broke? Her. She was a hoe back in the day by your definition. I would go on and on with the 'examples' but this 'definition' of what makes a woman a 'hoe'* that some of you have pretty much means a woman would have to be a 'virgin'. Which is the biggest crock of shit I have ever heard in my life.

Any one of these women I mentioned could be your aunt, your Mother, your......You get the point. I mean by the definition that you guys have of a hoe. I LOVE how you guys think that 40 years from now, EVERYONE will still be talking about what someone did. Ya'll live in a vacuum that has narrowed down life to the ages 12- your mid thirties (as some of you are late bloomers) and it being ALL ABOUT THE BAD THINGS YOU HAVE DONE DURING THAT TIME PERIOD. 

How wack your life must be if you are stuck in what happened in life during these times. No wonder you are running around here complaining. Your life must SUCK and you must not have shit else going on. Oh and I like how a lot of you are 'all knowing'/been through it all on these subjects but are still 'undefeated' or never took a 'loss'. Good one champ....

Now at this point, you are over there saying to yourself, 'Is this ninja crazy? Is he REALLY OUT HERE SAYING THERE AREN'T ANY HOES OUT HERE OR SOMETHING? Who does he know 'cause no one around me has....." 

Get over yourself fam. For real. You nor your friends are 'exempt' from folks with a past. There is no 'aisle' in the store where you can pluck some 'Perfect Untouched Woman' off the shelves. At least not one that is gonna be able to do all the 'things' that some of you claim your woman better be ABOVE AVERAGE AT. Natural ability is natural ability but yeah....Ya dig? Everyone isn't going to shoot the course record their first time out and KEEP IT UP with some 'practice'. Some of the 'practice' rounds are 'public' and some are pretty well kept under wraps. 

Don't think for one second though that your 'hoe radar' has somehow netted you 'The Virgin Mary' of the non virgins out here. You were just the beneficiary of a REAL MAN not out here putting your future Queen on blast. It has nothing to do with 'her'. It is the dudes. 'Cause we ALL COULD BRAG ABOUT OUR ESCAPADES and feed into the next man's insecurities if we didn't have a the sense to act like we have 'been there before'.  Who are you bitch made dudes that are SO THIRSTY FOR MALE ATTENTION that you are out here making 'relationships' seem like 'jumpoff' opportunities? (Don't worry, the woman WILL BE ADDRESSED IN THIS POST TOO..) Better still, who are you idiots out here that let the fact that you KNOW better get buried by the fact that you wanna be 'cool' with said dudes. Don't you have a set of nuts fam? Are you not your own man? You are really 'buying' that 'She is just some smut I met..' line that your boy (or the dude online who uploads these pictures) is throwing out here? Knowing he is spending time with her and surprisingly he knows her WHOLE LIFE STORY but he just 'met her'? You sir, are an idiot if I have ever seen one if you believe this bag of bullshit. These cats are 'exposing' girls that they were in relationships with for the most part. That isn't really 'exposing' either. That is just being an asshole. By proxy, most of you admit and LOVE BEING AN ASSHOLE so a girl 'choosing one' doesn't seem that far fetched since the World is full of them. Then you cats are wondering why girls have turned to being fake lesbians though.....What choice do they have when the men are out here acting like little girls and being catty?

Another point that I would like to make is that all this 'judgement' that you have going on is BULLSHIT. You are out here acting like 'being a hoe' (again by your loose ass terms) just started when your 'role models' came out of the nut sack. All I am saying is that the shit didn't just start and FOLKS HAVE GONE ON TO HAVE LIVES. Good ones. You ninjas are out here giving out Scarlett Letters to gals and that shit is horrible. Going out of your own little miserable way to make sure it becomes that way though. Which is pretty sad. Especially if you are one of these ninjas running around with an "F' on your back talking about 'Nobody will let me live down my past....' OR if you are in ANY SITUATION that your past is keeping you down. 

Here you are out here in these streets doing THE SAME THING that you accuse 'The Man" (aka the White privileged man) of doing. A joke is a joke but some of you are SERIOUS WITH THIS SHIT. Some of you are TAKING ACTION with this thing. Spreading rumors like little girls. It is on your mind too much. It is all you talk about. It is all you tweet about. It is all you want to 'small talk' about. Hoes....hoes..hoes...Enough already.

Now you are out here on Kris Humphries dick about who he is marrying. Not who you are marrying or your family member or friend. A quarter you don't have nary a nickel in. Out here talking about what he should be doing when you can't even KEEP YOUR OWN SHIT TOGETHER. The same dude you all have admitted didn't know EXISTED a year ago. Your kids are out here 'fatherless'. You are jobless. Your shit isn't 'Where you want it to be...." even if you are having success but yet here you are daily expounding on the 'Ways Kris Humphries' went wrong.

Opinion is ONE THING but it stops being 'just' and opinion when it is permeates your every day topics. Every day ya'll got a 'rant' for that man or that woman. It is pretty interesting to watch you guys go on and on about someone that you supposedly 'Don't care about' day after day.

Out here talking about Kris is 'ruining' the game. FOH. He is playing on a field 95% OF YOU WILL NEVER PLAY ON but..but...but..the same field that you have already said had women on it who 'aren't shit anyway'. So what does it matter? He picks a non rich 5/6 ('Cause I already know some of you will say Kim is a 6 just to prove your point...) and he is an idiot. He picks a 10 with nothing to her name, he's an idiot. He picks a 8-10 WITH SOMETHING then it is 'He doesn't even run his own household anyway.." Stop acting like he has a 'win' in any scenario he chooses. @ even dissing him in the first place. 'Cause he doesn't. All those of you who choose to talk about the subject on a daily basis are gonna do is find a way for him to look 'bad'. You are just....there goes that 'j' word again....****

I mean I know what YOU would do if you were in his situation but YOU AREN'T HIM. He couldn't make the majority of you happy either way. I especially enjoy hearing folks with SOs talking about what they would do if 'they were him' @ NOT GET MARRIED and their SOs agreeing with it. That shit is FUNNY. Probably won't be so funny when they split up though @ said couples..(More on that later in the post...) Chuckle it up girls. 

Shoutout to ya'll who want Kris Humphries to be the perennial bachelor out here too. Talking about you are doing it 'for the love' @ the opinions about what folks are doing. I read your lonely tweets when you 'rain out' fam or did you forget? (Insert witty rapper line about GOOD COMMON SENSE and things that 'good' in general) I know it isn't all good out here in that 'single life' If it was so 'good' you wouldn't have to remind me that you are #teamsingle every five minutes to 'fake it'. We know you are single....Believe me...we hear you complaining about those who aren't. Funny thing for someone 'enjoying' their status. Seems like you wouldn't notice such things....I digress though...

It is my opinion and I have a RIGHT TO IT MR. BLOGGER! - You. 

You do. You can have it all day long. I CLEARLY can't change it even if I wanted to. Here's the thing though. If you RUN UP ON ME WITH THAT SHIT, I'm probably gonna call you on your bullshit. ESPECIALLY IF I KNOW YOU AND I KNOW YOUR TROUBLES. You want me over here 'judging thee FUCK' outta your past? 'Cause some of you have some shit with you. If you are out here taking the time to put up 'videos' and shit then yeah...I may take a few minutes to address just how stupid you sound. 

Even if I DON'T KNOW YOU, seeing as though you are 'human', I KNOW I can find some 'commonality' when it comes to this. Try me. Remember, if you are reading this, chances are you AT LEAST FACEBOOK, TWEET or put your 'trials and tribulations' out there. I'm not stupid or young. I know that EVERY BAD SITUATION you have been in wasn't due to someone else and their trifling ways. IT WAS YOU. You caused that shit and it is transparent. So you have done some of this same 'hoe' shit, been a Rest Haven for hoe shit** or whatever. Most of these jokes are coming from a hurt place. I can see it a mile away. 

Did your lil girlfriend in the 3rd grade take a milk from the 5th grader and dump you or something? Ya'll are ALL THE WAY OUT HERE in your feelings OVER SOME CHICK YOU DON'T KNOW. Someone that you keep saying is 'irrelevant'. Someone is out here watching these shows. Someone is out here buying that perfume. Showing up at Liv when she comes out to host parties. In PURE. I can't call it out here.....

I mean I see cats throwing the 'h-word' around when some folk's name comes up while they (or their 'thorough' idols) have the girl who used to suck the whole basketball team off, been with EVERY MAJOR DRUG DEALER IN THE AREA, and is on tape HERSELF with a 'sucker ass barber' as their main girl. With cats LINED UP TO BE THE NEXT CAT IN LINE TO BE HER MAIN.  Really? Word my ninja? All activities that are done by said girls 'with folks that weren't their boyfriends' at the time of the 'infraction'. Interesting 'cause according to ya'll, if folks come to YOUR ATTENTION for a having sex with their boyfriends (and the ninja is in the video talking that 'Baby' shit and eating the thing...) they are AUTOMATICALLY hoes though.  Unbelievable. Here you are out here saying a hoe will 'never prosper' or live it down but your 'idols' seem to have found otherwise.....all while telling you NOT 'LET THESE HOES BREATH..' Interesting that you are falling for this....*** How does sex with one's BOYFRIEND/MAN/HUSBAND in some cases constitute 'hoe'?* Huh? Don't act like you didn't watch the tapes. You saw 'em. These weren't one night stands. There are pictures of these cats putting in time in all of these cases. 

She is a 'hoe' 'cause she sold her sextape. It wasn't leaked....

Oh. You were there? You were in the negotiations? You have the paper work? Oh. You know for a 'fact' that the tape didn't leak? So a person is just supposed to just go ahead and let a company who had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SITUATION get paid off of leaking the tape huh? She shouldn't try to get paid at all huh? You sound like an idiot. You are the same person who gets UPSET when folks don't give you credit for a stupid dance or a starting a lil fashion trend in your area but you want folks to just 'take the fade' on a sex tape WORLD WIDE? -_- So you can 'respect' her huh? L.M.A.O. You put too much value on your respect my nig....Get over yourself cuz...

Same way you knew for a 'fact' that other FORTY THINGS that you have been wrong about in life right? lol Yeah....I know... You have your opinion and that is fine but call me crazy for remembering but you have been DEAD WRONG before. All of you. 


 The ladies.....

Oh now before you ladies get to giggling too hard, you ARE NOT OFF THE HOOK ON THIS ONE. Not at all. Some of you are going HARDBODY on this WHOLE SUBJECT in general too.

I see you out there getting your good digs in. Again, it is cool. Your opinion. I know some of you too though. I see the 'hoe' tweets you put out there. The 'hoe' facebook status that you put up. The 'hoe' girlfriend trips you go on to Vegas, Miami, Atlanta, etc, etc. Not saying you can't go to these places 'cause you can (I don't speak in absolutes..Nice try though..) but the stories come back. They just do. Especially when that 'one friend' uses the trip's activities to cause fireworks back 'home' Ya dig? Anyhow, ya'll aren't exempt from this shit here. Nope. 

I actually blame you for EVEN DATING/GOING OUT WITH/MARRYING any dudes that think this way personally. By doing that, you make them think it is okay to feel like this for one and for two you are being pretty naive. I mean I can just see YOUR 'EX HUSBAND', the nigga you are riding for RIGHT NOW WHEN HE TALKS ABOUT ANYONE WITH A SEXTAPE OUT or who is considered a 'hoe', LEAKING YOUR INTIMATE DETAILS OUT JUST BEFORE THE FIRST ALIMONY CHECK IS WRITTEN. 

God bless you if you haven't 'married' him 'cause you won't even get paid for your performance. Where do you think all this 'homemade porn' is coming from? The 'hackers'? No. It is coming from these cats who 'can't stand hoes' but can't wait to EXPOSE the ones that trust them. Now some 'cat' who isn't married who talks REALLY WELL is probably gonna try to tell you different but urm....I know better. Trust me. If you only knew who asks me where to 'leak' what. How to go about 'making that bitch pay'. Here you are though. Out here with half the story, bashing gals you consider 'hoes' just because. Go ahead with your bad self. I'll be over here 'laughing' when your 'man' EXPOSES you. Any dude that thinks it is 'okay' to expose someone that they are in a relationship under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES is a sucker. Sorry. That's just manly. Woman do catty shit like that. Soft shit like that. Fuck Drake, that THERE IS SOME SOFT SHIT. Essentially, by co-signing your man's sentiments of ole girl being a 'hoe', you are condoning that. That's the message you want to send? Be my guest. Smile for the camera tho (probably hidden from some of you trusting fools or filmed while he was 'texting' when your head was down there.) 'cause you are up next on that Summer Jam Screen. "Cause he could give less than a fuck about you after the 'we' is gone...Hell, sometimes while there is still a 'we' depending on if he is still on that 'I gotta impress my boys' shit. Showing pictures of you sucking dick. Naked and shit. (I've/we've seen some of you. More hand action. You need not talk about Kim's skills...) And this is AFTER you have had that first kid so it isn't like folks don't know ya'll are getting it in... Good luck to you though! 

Sidenote: Taking your girl out to do the 'fuck how he is acting' thing is a CLOSE SECOND TO THIS if you are doing anymore than getting her out of the house for the night. Just calling it like I am seeing it. If you are taking her out with the intent of getting her dicked down, I'm talking to you. If you know your friend is a lot 'looser' when she is dropping lemonade shots at the bar and you aim to make her drink seven of 'em, I'm talking to you. Yes you. Clearly she is an adult but you know you aren't helping the cause.  Plus, you are probably COUNTING ON HER TO DO THE SAME FOR YOU so yeah...you aren't innocent.

Some of you aren't 'sponsoring hoe trips' and clapping to your man's views on this shit though. Some of you ARE OUT HERE fucking other dude's men like the shit is SWEET and then calling out other 'hoes' EXTRA HARD for hoe shit. Now I know the 'deflection' for that is 'I would know, I have done it so it is okay...'. 

This is me. That 'deflection' shit doesn't fly over here fam. Sorry. Run that game on your friends. Congratulate that hoe if she TRULY IS ONE. Tip your hat to her. Just don't hide behind the 'making a tape makes you a hoe' excuse. There is a big difference between you going out there and sucking dick to get all of your friends into VIP on the surveillance camera and someone doing it for their man. It is not the same thing. It just isn't. Stop trying to justify your hoe shit by saying that 'others are doing it' or by trying to make it all the 'same'. Nope. Not gonna fly here. I don't care how many 'hood niggas' you get to co-sign that shit, I know better. You doing the same things doesn't give you the green light to shine it on others to make yourself 'feel better' about what you are doing out here in these streets. Stop that. Nice try though.

(Funny shit. I am listening to my own playlist on the blog and 'Shake It" by Big K.R.I.T. comes on.... I LOVE THE SONG. Listen to the lyrics though and you will get EXACTLY WHAT I AM SAYING with this next paragraph.) 

Stop. Living. Your. Life. Like. Your. Favorite. Rapper/Actor/Neighborhood Cool Guy. And. Stop. Taking. It. Some. Of. The. Things. They. Say. So. Literally. In particular the bad shit. You know, the shit you KNOW YOU SHOULDN'T BE OUT HERE DOING but hearing them saying it makes it seem okay. Those same 'bad things' weren't invented by them btw. So stop running up on me with that 'Like such and such said you can't/need to/'...I don't wanna hear that shit. Be your own man fam and own up to your OWN BAD BEHAVIOR. Ladies too. 'Cause I don't know ANYONE WHO REALLY TALKS TO DEAD PEOPLE if you know what I am saying? I'll let that sit with you for a second... 


No. They don't hurt my feelings but hearing ya'll crow about it hurts my ears. I'm tired of hearing the same lame shit. Sorry. I just am. I also know a 'joke' when I hear one. These aren't jokes. These are hurt feelings spilling in the air over and over. Just complaint after complaint. Bunch of babies man. The kicker is these are supposed to be the 'toughest' folks from the 'roughest' places who are doing all this bitching. Really? Sounds like a bunch of crying and excuses to me. I have never been this concerned about what someone else does with their dick or their pussy as some of you seem to be. Maybe if you were this invested in your own relationships you wouldn't be around here calling them 'relationshits' and saying 'men and women ain't shit'. I digress though. That dude could fuck all his money off on her and she could go broke tomorrow and I still wouldn't care.

Oh and before I go, I didn't know that when one had a sex tape they were putting in their bid for 'World's Greatest Sex'. @ the 'critiques of Kim's performance. By that very definition there are a WHOLE LOT OF THINGS some of you should NEVER DO AGAIN WITH A CAMERA AROUND OR THE HUMAN EYE INVOLVED. Ever. In Life. If that is what we are doing. Especially if we are basing it around 'One Time'......Just saying....Some of you SUCK AT RAPPING. Suck at taking pictures...Suck at a lot of shit actually. Yet you are still out there 'doing it big'. So you say anyway....

*Your term, not mine..I'm not calling anyone shit. Especially someone whose actions I haven't been monitoring for years on end EVERY DAY forever...Like you clearly have. How do you do it? Don't you have a life? I mean seem to know a lot about a person that you are saying isn't 'shit' and isn't worth anything. Your time isn't 'worth' shit clearly as well thus making you not worth....never mind. I'm using logic again. My bad my nig...As you were..

** Which is worse to me as you are out here talking like you are 'undefeated' out here. Talking about.."Everyone knows you don't  (insert action) with a hoe"..Really Playboy? You didn't....You fucked up....Maybe that is where this is coming from. Hurt feelings and sour grapes 'cause she was sucking the next nigga's dick....Oops...My bad plair. Did I hit close to home? I'll play fair. You first though....

*** I just showed you that despite your pleas of  "Fuck that..once a whore always a whore' that you guys run around spitting on the daily, some of you actually do know it is possible. Which is ANOTHER reason I can't get with this 'The Sky is Falling' bashing of ole girl. You know better fam...Just because it is a large group of you doing it doesn't mean I'm gonna be an idiot about this. Peer pressure went out in the third grade. I'm not afraid to be in the minority on this one. Grow the fuck up....

**** For all the 'truth' you guys like to tell that seems to be the one 'truth' you won't admit. Jealousy. 'Cause you know it makes you look like the very people you criticize and we can't have that now can we? After all you are 'cut from a different cloth" right? FOH with that bullshit. You are human. Cats want things and from time to time if they see someone who has something they don't, they get in their feelings. It happens Champ. Deal with your own insecurities. It is healthy.


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