(Words) So NOW everyone cares about killing...... With the way some of you talk though...


You will kill 'em in the Mall.

You will kill 'em in the Club.

You will kill folks as they come up out their co-parent's house. 

You will kill folks in light.

You will kill folks in the dark.

You will kill for folks for breathing wrong.

You will kill folks for being on the wrong side of town.

You will kill folks FOR RAPPING WACK LYRICS.

You will kill folks for 'hoes'. Even though they are hoes and they don't mean shit according to you anyway.

You will kill folks for LAND YOU DON'T EVEN OWN or even take care of.

You will kill just for sport.

Yet you want to know why 'No one will come and help you...'. I mean isn't it obvious? It has little to do with not caring.

The answer is simple and HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH CARING.

Some folks actually do CARE. They see the situations folks are coming from and want to help. Willing to help even. Even take some risks by those AROUND THAT PERSON who they want to help. What anyone with common sense is NOT GOING TO DO is help someone who is basically borderline threatening them EVERY OTHER SENTENCE with this 'kill talk'.


Who wants to help someone who has CLEARLY STATED THAT THEY WOULD SEE TO IT THAT 'LIVING' WOULDN'T BE AN OPTION depending on 'What kind of mood that person woke up in that morning"? That 'anyone' on the street can get it 'just because'?

Not anyone with any type of common sense if THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO COME IN CONTACT WITH THEM. So folks DO CARE. It is the 'disregard for Life' being exhibited by SOME of the folks who want help that prevents the help.

If the 'don't care' label is going to be thrown around in this conversation, lets look at SOME of the folks asking for the help and the things I said up top. Those things are put up as a shield by SOME of those folks all the time. Unprovoked. As in, NOBODY WAS TALKING TOUGH but that information gets VOLUNTEERED in normal conversation. Again, I ask...Who in their right mind is going to help anyone talking to them like that?

So I hesitate to say that 'Nobody cares' about the plight of those suffering in certain areas WHEN I hear SOME OF THOSE SAME FOLKS say these things. I hesitate to 'feel remorse' for folks who 'get caught up in shit' BY THEIR OWN CHOOSING 'cause they are living the Life of a Killer. I mean we aren't talking about twelve year olds here. We are talking GROWN ASS ADULTS. Who know better. 

Now if you have done some things in the past with the understanding that you did them and you can't take them back but have CHANGED your ways? That is something that I would overlook. I would help. I would be understanding that you did what you did, you aren't proud of it but you aren't 'dwelling' on it either. 

I am sure at this point you are wondering....

"Where is this coming from? Let me tell you...."

The Troy Davis case.

All this week, I watched folks rally around this man. The 'underlying' premise being that folks recanted statements and THUS he is magically innocent OR HE DESERVED A NEW TRIAL. I actually happen to agree with the latter BUT that doesn't mean I am willing to overlook the OTHER FACTS of his story like some of you are. Yes, you are overlooking them. You brush them to the side. Which isn't fair. This situation isn't being discussed in its sum. It is being discussed in a vacuum. All you folks want to talk about is the 'trial'.

It seems that some of you think that he should have been 'freed'. As in walk out of the jail 'free'. All because he is Black, the case was in Georgia and you don't like the cops. Flawed thinking. I don't KNOW whether he killed the cop or not but I DO KNOW (by his own admission) that he was involved in the commission of a crime THAT CULMINATED IN THE SHOOTING OF THE COP. I'm no 'cop lover' but I am not blinded by my 'non love' for 'em either. I am no lover of folks WHO KILL PEOPLE or run arouund beating up homeless folks either. Call it what you want but I CALL IT FUCKING LOVING TO LIVE. Anything else, AND I DO MEAN ANYTHING ELSE, is pretty fucking stupid to me. @ LOOKING AT LIFE ANY OTHER WAY.* 

You see, if someone hadn't sold Troy Davis that 'way of thinking' that I outlined up top, maybe he wouldn't have been out there beating up a homeless man. (Which he admitted to. Do the RESEARCH and stop listening to your favorite local tough guy, Internet funny man or whatever..). Maybe...just maybe....that 'nickname' that he had, he wouldn't have been out in the World trying to show folks he earned it. He was caught up in his way of thinking and ultimately, the folks with the Power did away with him.

At some point, you have to take  responsibility for the situations that you put yourself in. HE PUT HIMSELF IN THAT SITUATION. No other way to say it. Just like he did at the party around the same time @ his other gun charge. Was he 19 at the time? YES. He was young. That argument is played out though and here is why. 

You have told us as much...you say it everyday..

There are MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of 19 year olds who have NOT MADE THAT SAME DECISION so miss me with the 'he was young' thing. EVERYONE ISN'T OUT HERE DOING THAT and you know it. You commonly refer to them as 'lames'/fakes/frauds/and the like so don't beg off on the notion that over 85% (just throwing a number out there but you get the point..) of the population does not partake in those activities at that age. Yes, even the ones from 'your hood/block/whatever'. Again, you tell us on every social network, in every rap you write, or at every party there are fakes and suckers out here. They can't all be one person so thus the conclusion is very few folks are out here 'doing it like that'. Again, you have admitted as much with the 'lame/suckers/fakes' talk you do. So now what is your excuse? If everyone isn't 'built for that Life' and is frauding then EVERYBODY can't be doing. Not a hard concept to grasp.


It is funny that some of you same folks THAT SCREAM THAT KARMA shit are afraid to say it was the 'case' with Troy Davis. Oh but you will say the Father/Mother of your child has been the recipient of Karma or that homie that got shot by your man got what Karma had for him. Ya'll are funny for that one. So because this is a 'sensitive' case though, anyone even suggesting that is wrong though? Real cute. See the paragraph above for why I am suggesting it. The path he was on man....the path he was on...I know ya'll want folks to win and all but damm...

No one should be killed. It is inhumane:

If you subscribe to ANYTHING THAT I SAID AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS POST, your opinion is null and void. I normally don't like to say that but in this case it just is. You can't be out here condoning random acts of violence and then getting on the government for executing folks if you are down with YOUR OWN FOLKS KILLING EACH OTHER IN THE STREETS EVERYDAY FOR BULLSHIT. Respect all killers if you respect killers dammit. Be consistent. What is that bullshit paint brush of a saying some of ya'll like to run around saying and applying to ALL YOUR MISGIVINGS: 

"Stand for something or fall for anything"

Then stand for that and respect the fact that they killed him. If that is what you stand for...(I don't stand for that but I'm not the one out here claiming to. That would be you.) I digress though.....I will let you continue to talk out of both sides of your mouth. Just know I see that you are contradicting the FUCK OUTTA YOURSELF.

I know I am being harsh but the facts of the matter won't distract me from the underlying truths. Troy Davis chose a path. Later on in Life, after incarceration, he decided that maybe that wasn't such a good idea. I commend him for it. He converted his life. It was too late though. The law that executed him wasn't MADE SPECIFICALLY FOR HIM. It existed. It was KNOWN. Trust me it was KNOWN. Top that off with the fact that he lives IN FUCKING GEORGIA. The state with the damm Confederate Flag in its STATE'S FLAG. Fair shake? You would be lucky to GET A SHAKE in that State. Of any kind. Some of you who live up North REALLY DON'T GET THE CLIMATE and some of you who have transplanted in say the last 10-20 years DON'T EITHER. It is still bad but back then? Sheit. Black on Black or not, they were locking up BLACK FOLKS JUST FOR BEING BLACK. A crime scene with a dead cop WAS NOT WHERE YOU WANTED TO BE. Innocent or not. So yeah ya'll can act like the time period didn't have a factor in that if you like but at that time IF YOU WERE BLACK YOU NEEDED TO BE DOING IT BIGGER AND BETTER than someone who was white. You DAMM SURE didn't want to be out there involving yourself with the murder of a cop. Whether you did it or not. Keep ignoring that fact though....

Maybe some youth will see this case and can be saved. Too bad some of you out here are not bringing up the fact that he made those choices and this was the result is not what the youth will see. Ya'll are going to make him a martyr and the cycle will continue. Bravo ladies and gentleman. Bravo. I am sure 'Whitey' is quite proud too. Probably sitting there saying...

"We won't have to worry about them much longer. They majority of them seem to think certain lifestyles are a right and with that thinking along with these laws we have in place, we can CONTINUE TO HEM THEM UP in bullshit. There seems to be a strong sect amongst them that 'dictates' the 'tough guy image'. It plays RIGHT INTO OUR HANDS. The gun laws. The laws structured to prosecute violent crimes, MOST OF WHICH THEY WILL COMMIT AGAINST THEMSELVES, and their unwillingness to 'snitch on each other' ARE ALL THINGS WE CAN USE AGAINST THEM AS WE TAKE OVER. They think 'they aren't getting a fair shake' now? Ha. Wait 'till we REALLY PUT THE SCREWS TO THEM and take their beliefs and use them against them. This is just the beginning. " 

You think they aren't? You are a fool. I'd like to welcome THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN CLEARING LIVING UNDER A FUCKING ROCK for the vast majority of your lives. @ the injustices of the court system. I am beginning to think that some of you truly can't 'FATHOM' it. You thought it was just 'your boys' or your town. No. It is all over. Welcome to America. The World is bigger than your block fam. It isn't just in the history books. It is currently happening. That crime was committed in 1989 but for some of you, you finally got to see some REALLY FOUL SHIT done by some foul people all the around. (Whispers) It isn't the first time it has happened. Maybe white people were right. Want to hide something from black folks. Put it in a book. Or in the form of 'school'. Clearly, some of you (even folks my age) had the info 'hidden' from you. Shame on you for that too.

Oh you thought I was saying what happened at the 'end' of Troy's ordeal was 'fair'? No nigga. I NEVER SAID THAT. I said he had some choices to make and he made the wrong ones. I said that I would hope someone would learn from these choices THROUGH TROY'S ORDEAL so that they wouldn't have to suffer through any FURTHER INJUSTICES. "Cause once you are in that system, there isn't much folks can do for you. Sure we can riot, protest, get on Twitter and get our activism on. In the end though, NOTHING CAN BE DONE. You see Troy is gone right? Okay then. Plenty of factors that led up to it, including some of HIS DECISIONS. He should have been given a trial. Lots of 'shouldas' in this case. Like...say for instance...THE PERSON WHO DID SHOOT THE COP NOT LETTING HIS BOY TAKE THE FALL FOR IT...Too much like right though...Oh wait, we are talking about 'right' here. We want what is 'right' for Troy from our 'corrupt' government but we don't have the NUTS TO DEMAND THAT SAME QUALITY IN TROY'S BOYS..(Somebody shot the cop. He didn't shoot himself.) Riiiightt.......

The questions remain though: 

What are you folks going to do about it?

Are you going to vote now?

Are you going to TELL YOUR CHILDREN that the way of the World is already designed for them to fail so they shouldn't HELP THE PROCESS WITH THE DECISIONS THEY MAKE?

Are you going to tell folks the truth about this situation or are you going to leave out/gloss over the responsibilities folks have for putting themselves in certain situations?

Are you going to stay out of Georgia? Move out of Georgia if you live there? 

Are you going to continue down the path that puts you in the judicial system and at the mercy of the Prosecution?

Are you going to continue to go 'get your goons' every time someone steps on your damm shoes in the club, eyeballs your ex girlfriend or is from another part of town? If you are going to continue to do this shit, are you going to expect someone in power to step to the plate when they want to execute you when a 'simple lesson' turns into a murder? 

Are you going to beat on homeless people and still think 'Oh it is no big deal 'cause they are homeless...this won't turn into anything else big..Light charges....'? 

These and many more questions are the ones I have for some of you. My main questions for you today though are these though The others are important but I know the answers to most of them. No. You will continue to do nigga shit and then expect for the Nigga Angel to somehow send you some help after you get caught up....:




*Matter of fact, if I have offended you by saying that, let me know. We can cut each other off right now. Never have to speak to each other again in Life. For real. I won't talk to you. You don't talk to me. I don't HELP YOU and since I don't accept help but from a few folks ANYWAY, you will continue not to help me. Cool? Good.  


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