My peoples @The_Niftian >>> The Book Is Here! « TMQ: Ten Minute Quickiez

The Book Is Here! « TMQ: Ten Minute Quickiez

The Book Is Here!

20 Jan

For those of you who have traveled along with me these last two years, you know how much thought, energy and patience has been put into getting this book together. Well, I can finally say with a sigh of relief that “Quickiez Online: The First Anthology” is here! I took thirty Nifty World original stories, all penned by yours truly and put them together into a collection so hot and steamy that you’ll swear you have a fever just by reading them! And well, isn’t that what we all want, to be hot and bothered?

For convenience of choice, I have published the book in two forms, as an e-book and as a paperback. The links to both versions are below. I would really appreciate it if you would tell your friends and family about my work if they’re so inclined toward the erotic persuasion. I know this isn’t for everyone, but just getting the word out and about does wonders. Again, thank you all SO MUCH for your support!

E-BOOK version:

PAPERBACK version:

The books are currently being sent to major retailers like Amazon, Barnes and Noble and the Apple iBookstore. In the meantime, you can STILL get the book from the above sites and they’ll still work on your Kindles, Nooks and iPads. Support indie authors and indie works! #NiftyApproved



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