Just a peek of the 'imitation' I encounter daily on here..smh Look at this wack person...

Don't see the issue? No problem...Peep the Tagline under the title..Or just look in the archives...

Cat even took my words..lmao I'm crying right now..



Looks like he/she/they started this bum shit last year in July. smh http://najwaeyes.blogspot.com/2011_07_01_archive.html

That is how wack it is out here daily fam...smh -_- This person stopped around May so maybe they are on 'break'. lmao

I guess this is the part where I say my 'haters are my motivators' or some dumb shit. Nope.

This shit is sad. That is what it is. Period. Point blank. No 'excuses' or little cute cliches needed. This is bum bitch/nigga type shit. Lazy bastard... Damm..Link me? Cool. Take a post or two? Eh...Not my writing though cuh...not with you acting like 'You did it' anyway... lmao That's sad.

I wonder how many hits I missed 'cause of this clown? No wonder Google snoops around my shit. This isn't the first time I found someone doing this lame ass shit.

So you are probably wondering..."How did you find this out? I know you aren't here searching for your name SOLELY for the purpose of finding 'haters' after you blasted cats on Twitter for..."

No. I was actually looking for the number of posts I did on a certain person to make sure I didn't 'rehash' some things via 'some key words' and low and behold...this site came up under mine..smh That's how. I usually find them though by the stat counter. It tells me where folks come from when they hot link it. This idiot didn't 'hot link it'. smh



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