(Event) @TheRoots Picnic Lineup!!!!!!!!! per @questlove X @robertglasper, @TrinidadJamesGG, @Solanage and more...

Hit the tags to see what The Warehouse knows about the Roots Picnic. Annual attendee here!! Will be in the building again.

Hip Hop Horray...Hooooeeeeeeeeeee!!! @ the old school guest this year.

The date is CHOPPED. It is usually the first weekend in June(Memorial Day is the 27th so..that would leave June 1st as the open day..) though. FYI. I  know that Governor's Ball is the 7th,8th,9th so.....

Stay tuned for confirmation. Used to be a one day event but the past couple have been two so.. We'll see. I will put the date up when I get it. Or you could always @ ?uestlove.



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