Karma's A Bitch.....

I think we have all heard this one. Unless you live under a rock. Most of the time, people act like it is their own personal bodyguard when they say it.

I can't say I do not agree with the statement itself. I know there are many people that don't believe in the Karmatic process but I do. I know that I have seen it happen. Time and time again. I think people are missing this part though when they speak on it:

The saying "You made your bed now lie in it" is an extension of that "Karma' statement to me. You see, Karma doesn't stop just 'cause you call 'no joy' (I give up or I have changed). You have to remember that. I think some of you keep forgetting that. There is no time limit. There is no 'breaking point'. Karma is a runaway train. Long after you done stopped fucking up yourself, it can come back. If you did something way way back, moved past it and all of that, IT DOES NOT MEAN KARMA WILL BACK OFF. Hence the saying "You made your bed...." It is THIS that people want to ignore. They don't want to acknowledge what they have done in the past to people. How they screwed the situation up too. The fact that life is not perfect. We all say we 'get it' but I find more and more that people are lying. They really think shit is supposed to be perfect. I think that is where everyone gets it messed up. These two statements go hand in hand.

Its 'Karma' when it happens to someone you are 'mad at'/don't like/etc but when it is you it is 'bad luck'/'a misfortune'/or some other mess. Nope. Sorry. FOH. (If you don't know what FOH means the first letter stands for a curse word....lol) That's not how it goes.

So remember the next time you say "Karma will catch up to.." when using that as 'your get back tool' for someone. 'Cause more than likely, whatever is happening to you is a DIRECT RESULT of Karma coming back TO YOU.

I am not exempt from that either so before you accuse me of being on 'my horse' I want you to notice that I am 'on the ground WITH YOU' when I say this. I am not mounted on my moral horse. I know ALL ABOUT IT. So save the venom for the person you are mad at. Not me. Thanks. I am a human. I can TAKE SHOTS AT MYSELF. I have done JUST THAT RIGHT HERE IN THIS VERY BLOG. Can you do that? So this isn't to ONE person. This is a general statement that could have applied last week, last year, today, next week and so and so forth. To any and everyone.

That Karma train that we ALL like to speak on doesn't 'skip stops' just cause we talk about it favorably. It is not human. It doesn't back off. Know that....I got PLENTY OF STORIES if you need references. Some might even involve YOU.

Again, I am just the messenger. Don't shoot me. I was moved to write it. It is up to you to take out of it what you want. You are here reading in ITS ENTIRETY for a reason. You could have stopped reading it after the first line. You didn't though now did you? Okay then. Don't ignore that reason.


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