Steve Mcnair R.I.P.

You all know by now that Steve McNair is gone. Sure Hall of Famer. Black quarterback from the former Division I-AA. Paved the way for the next generation of Black quarterbacks like McNabb, Vick and the like. Tough dude. Played hurt and was hurt often but when he was out there, his teams were better. A HUGE COMMUNITY GUY. Did more work in the community then you probably will ever know. But right now, we are not gonna be talking about all of that. Nope. We are now going to all get in our glass houses and hurl rocks out of them. Glass breaking be dammed because after all they ARE our opinions, right? Allow me to pick up my rock too then and get to hurling.

First off, as SOON as I saw the scenario, I knew what it was. I really held off on writing this though so the 'facts' could come out. But I already knew. As did most of you. I have been trying to avoid dealing with 'this' side of the issue and deal with WHY I knew the man. Football. But I can't. Ya'll won't let me. So here we go...

All the great things that Steve did do not get to be negated 'cause all of the things that are going to come out about surrounding his death. At least not for me. I did not 'know' Steve. I was not looking to Steve or ANY PRO ATHLETE as my guide on how to conduct my life outside of football/competition. Period. Not one time did I think, "Steve McNair must not cheat on his wife 'cause he gave money for Katrina." or "He was the NFL Man of The Year so he must be perfect...". No. I scratch my head at those who may have. Somewhere along the line, some of you must have thought this though. You had to have. 'Cause all of the sudden, he (nor the men of the World) ain't shit. Ya'll are OUTRAGED. Really? Say it with me:

WE DO NOT KNOW THESE PEOPLE. Why are we holding them to a higher standard? We should not. Period.

He is a man. A human. He played football. That's it. Playing football does not qualify you to be the 'litmus paper' for all good things in life. Neither does singing. Acting. Governing. Ministering. None of that does. We should REALLY cut that out. @ acting like it does and holding people to a higher standard. It isn't like THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SOMEONE IN POWER CHEATED is it? No. It has BEEN HAPPENING but we have the same outrage. I don't get it.

Look, I know MOST OF YOU who are reading this blog and I KNOW GOOD AND FUCKING WELL YOU AREN'T PERFECT. Some of you KNOW ME and know good and FUCKING WELL I am not perfect. So why all of the sudden, because we 'found' this out about him, do we ALL feel like we can bring the 'judgment' hammer out? Why is it that now everything good that he did 'does not count'? Why are we OUTRAGED? I don't get it. He messed up for sure but OUTRAGED?

Listen, the facts are the facts. He got shot while fucking around. You can't change them or twist them. Cool. I would not argue that. He IS DEAD THOUGH. Plenty of people cheat and DON'T DIE. Have you comprehended the fact that he DIED? He got shot because the 'other woman' didn't want him to leave. Are you serious? You are clapping to that? For real? I know most of you think he got 'whatever' most was coming to him. To me, he got way MORE. Too much actually. But it is not my call. Nor is it yours.

I do not hear one word about what females should be doing to avoid these situations and unless it is a 'gay' tryst, THERE ARE WOMEN INVOLVED in each and every one of these type cases. All I hear when the woman's burden is bought up are excuses.

She is not married he is.

She should get all the money she can get from him 'cause he is stupid anyway.

She is just using what she's got to get what she wants. What?

It is the men that cheat. Not the women. (Really?)

So now for the next week, all I get to hear about are all the 'no good men' in the World? Great. Just remember these things ladies.

There isn't just one Fairy Godslut who runs around fucking married/taken men at night/during the day.

Some of these women are 'taken' themselves.

Some of these women want to 'operate' like a man does and seek out taken people so that they get a 'clean' break. (Rarely ever works 'cause feelings by people get in the way.)

Some of these women, if not most of these women, are NOT IN THE DARK about their 'man's status'. Either that 'intuition' that most of you 'claim to have on lock' lets them know or they are told STRAIGHT UP. Very few times is it done where a woman has no clue so stop leaning on that scenario as to 'why men get away with it.' It is just not true. Ya'll know. In this case, this chick OBVIOUSLY knew. She wanted him to leave apparently. It is not just on the men. It never has been. Never will be. Stop it.

I marvel at what some of you must feel is 'not perfect'. The air of arrogance that permeates your language as you speak on something that is not above or beyond reaching you and yours. (If it hasn't already.) I'mma keep 100. I do not KNOW OF A COUPLE yet that has 'years in' (I am talking 30..40 years in) that has not at least had to 'deal' with the scenario. Just think about that. I know someone is going to come running up on me with 'my parents never did'. Like they would TELL YOU ABOUT IT? Really? Or better yet, LIKE THEY HAVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT. lol I mean, if it happened to with mine, I surely wouldn't be expecting them to come running up and to 'tell me' about it. This ain't Little House on the Prairie. Or the movies or some shit.

In a perfect World, we would all do perfect things. If you live in one, let me know how it is there. 'Cause I do not know anything about that.


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