I'mma keep saying it UNTIL you get it..Social Networks + Work= NO

I know that some jobs 'require' you to do so. Whatever. You better do a better job of keeping your mouth shut or your business outside of work to yourself then. @ them finding out. I wish I would. Hell, my FACEBOOK is not even under my name and it is private. It is that way for a reason. I feel invaded by the few people that I really didn't want to be facebook friends with in the first place being there. The hell am I gonna invite 'my boss' and coworkers there for or accept their requests? Come on people common sense.

I say the 'boss' in this situation deserves to get canned as well but I don't know what company this is or its infrastructure. The boss might REALLY BE THE BOSS IN THIS CASE so I dunno. I do know this. She is a FOOL FOR FORGETTING SHE ADDED HER BOSS AND FOR EVEN ADDING HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Stop adding your boss and coworkers on FACEBOOK. Shit. How hard is that NOT TO DO? Here is an example of why you should not.

I see now that this is gonna be a quarterly post.....

Excerpt from an article:

The worker, known only as "Lindsay", updated her Facebook status with "OMG [oh my God] I HATE MY JOB!!"

She went on: "My boss is a total pervy w****r, always making me do s**t stuff just to p**s me off!! W****r!"

Her boss "Brian" responded a few hours later just before 11pm, opening with: "Hi Lindsay, I guess you forgot about adding me on here?"

He went on: "Firstly, don't flatter yourself. Secondly, you've worked here 5 months and didn't work out that I'm gay? Thirdly, that 's**t stuff' is called your 'job', you know, what I pay you to do. But the fact that you seem to be able to f**k up the simplest of tasks might contribute to how you feel about it.

"And lastly, you also seem to have forgotten that you have 2 weeks left on your 6 month trial period. Don't bother coming in tomorrow.

"I'll pop your P45 in the post and you can come in whenever you like to pick up any stuff you've left here. And yes, I'm serious."

Screen shots of the exchange, which appears to be genuine, were posted on social content websites "Digg" and "lamebook", whose users highlight amusing finds from Facebook.

Rest of the article HERE:

Stop doing it to yourself on Facebook people. Myspace too. Matter of fact, that goes for ANY SOCIAL SITE. Period. If they ask you if you have one, lie or something. There is no excuse to be caught out there like this lady was. None.


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