The WareHouse sits down with the one and only.... High DEPinition.....

Recently, The Warehouse got the chance to sit down and talk to the man behind the lens of the all of those videos you see from OT RECORDS. High DEPinition. You know videos like this one?

CW- Evening fam. Thank you for taking the time and sitting with me. Lets tell the people out there more about you. Where are you originally from and how old are you?

DEP- Thank you for having me my man. That's what it is. I moved here from Poland when I was nine. Father moved here first and worked and bought family back to the States. I am 24 years old.

CW- I can see where the work ethic came from already...

DEP- For sure...

How did you get started directing videos?
DEP- (Wry chuckle and long pause) That's A LONG STORY. You have time?

CW- Of course. Proceed.

DEP- I have always loved music and knew that I wanted to be involved in it. In some capacity. Whether it be behind the 'boards' in the studio or what have you. NEVER did I think I would end up being a video producer though. That was not the plan at all. Actually, I used to be a rapper but stopped doing that at about twenty. I just felt that I was better suited to be behind the scenes. I even started my own label and was content with just doing the every day things a label head does....

CW- So wait a minute? You used to actually get behind the mic and run your own label?

DEP- Yeah something like that..(Chuckles) I just wanted to fall back behind the scenes and do things like...Managing artists. Engineering work. The lil things. I did it all. At the time, I also started attending school at the Delaware College of Art & Design. Video Animation was my major. I wasn't really feeling 'em like that but I took some Computer Animations courses. I felt like I was wasting money and sh#t and was very disinterested in the whole thing. It wasn't until I took a Video Class that I became interested. That's were THIS truly started. That was a class I REALLY enjoyed and I felt like I got a lot out of it. That started my passion for videos. I ended up graduating with an Associates degree. I felt like I could do more with videos but I was a lil ignorant to the fact that they didn't have to be done on a MAC. You see, the classes I took were all done on a MAC and I had a PC. I didn't have no real equipment and since I learned on a Mac, I thought I was beat. Turns out a producer on my label had a friend who did some video work on a PC. The work turned out pretty decent too. Needless to say, I was shocked after thinking that the type of work I wanted to do could only be done a on A MAC! Anyway, the producer got a copy of the program for me and I messed around with it for a few days. One of my friends needed a video shot so I did it. A few days later with a 300 dollar cam corder, I shot my first video. The video got a lot of support from local barbershop Millennium Cuts and the patrons. Over time, I just kept working with the program. Perfecting my craft and shooting videos and posting them up on YouTube. The videos on YouTube got a great response and I took off from there. Starting getting more requests for work and here we are...

(Stops tape.) A profound and true quote from DEP:

"When things like that happen, they happen for a reason.." - DEP @ falling behind the scenes with his own label and ending up doing video directing.

So tell me a lil about your first project with an artist not affiliated with you and your label?

DEP- I worked with Danny Rich, an R&B artist on a song titled "She's A Winner". It was a song about a girl Danny Rich obviously felt was a 'winner'. The video was set in the '20s. Up until that point, for the most part all the videos I had done were done on the fly with little to no meetings prior 'till. Last minute. Which was cool. I am used to that. This video ,however, was the first full conceptual video done with full treatments. Matter of fact, Danny Rich and I forged a business relationship that has to led future collaborations on other videos as a result of the collabo. We are in business you could say.

CW- Who does video work besides Hype Williams do you like?

Well of course you have to give it up to Hype 'cause it is Hype. Period. I am the type of person who does not want to get caught up in liking one director or one style, however. I just like doing my own thing. I do respect other people's work and a few videos but other than that I like to do me.

CW- Okay, DEP. Very impressive. Quick questions time. First thoughts only? Bet?

DEP- I'm good with that...

CW- What are your favorite types of music? Favorite songs?

R&B, hip hop and old soul..Feeling that new 'Forever' joint ft. Drake, Weezy, Em and 'Ye

CW- What is your must read book at moment:
Reading a book "The Filmmakers Handbook"...Gleaning information from that. A must read for anyone in film.

CW- What is the one piece of equipment that you don't have that you would like to get your hands on?

DEP- A better film camera...George Lucas used it to make the latest installment of the Star Wars series. Panasonic AJ-SDX900

What is your latest project?

DEP- Funny you should ask that. I just finished up a joint with Young Chris ft. Freeway and Beans call 'Last Two'. It can be seen at

CW- (Look of shock on my face as I just saw said video and did not know he had done the video) Well...well....well...That's major fam.

DEP- Thank you for that appreciate it.

(Here's a look at said video)
'Last Two' by Young Chris ft. Freeway and Beanie Sigel.

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Sidenote: He is a little modest. You can also see it HERE (More on 'here' at the bottom of the page)

CW- Anything else major you want to tell us about?

DEP- Actually, there is. As you may or may not know, Freeway has his own label called Free Money Records and there will be special announcement coming soon so stay tuned!!

CW- Final question. What is your goal?

DEP- To put myself and the whole OT RECORDS movement on the map. As far as I know, we are the only ones doing this on this level and I want to keep rising.

CW- My man, you are well on your way! I have been checking out your work and can see the growth in it. I wish you much success. I want to thank you for taking the time to sit with me....

DEP- ...I thank you for taking out the time and it was a pleasure. 'Preciate it.

As promised, more on 'here' HERE. You can find all of DEP's work at that link.


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