Twitter Person of the Week- @Phenomentality

Or Vee as I call her. She is from that place where Phil Jackson is known to reside. Open country. Pure Native American (thank you Steph!). (Save the red dot or feather shit. She might give it to you verbally. For real.)

All around good person.

A Mother. (Beautiful babies!) Look at this pic. (Yes it is her. I won't post up the rest of the pics she put up but IT IS HER! Trust me.) I will let you digest that for a second. No celeb trainers. No lipo. Hard work and dedication. I have seen the vids.

A friend.

Deeply entrenched in her roots and it shows.

Loves hip-hop. I mean LOVES it. She hangs out with me from time to time at that uber snobby spot that I reference here OFTEN.

I have seen people use that Maya 'saying' in their name (Phenomenal Woman) over the years, especially over the Internet. She is one of the five that I would actually say 'Yeah, you can call yourself that. You truly are.."

Follow her:

Get to know her and her stunning sense of style here. Lots of pretty pics and stuff.:


(Whispers) She rides a bike. A BAD BIKE..This it here. Don't tell her I told you tho!



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