Twitter Person of the Week: StaHHR- Still Dope (Video)

Since I make the rules on my blog, I can do what I want. So if I want to FEATURE TWO a week, that is what I will do. I waited a lil longer to bring this post out for my own reasons. (smile) I wanted to give everybody their proper time to shine.

If you think females can't MC, think that all the ones that do 'hate' all other types of music, or whatever you think, FOLLOW HER. I think you will find all of the above are JUST NOT TRUE (Tanya Morgan). She tweets back and is, like everyone I recommend, SUPER COOL with her thing.

One of my favorite female MCs and a GOOD TWITTER FRIEND OF MINE, here is StaHHR's new video. Again, I can show you better than I can tell you as my Momma used to tell me when I was little. Here you go.




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