An open letter not written by me but one I like..Foreign Exchange

Again, I did not write this but I support this wholeheartedly. I also wanted you guys to see some of the struggles that even a 'Grammy nominated' artist has to go through. It is a shame. FuseTV isn't even that well known. I remember when Jay-Z was going to be on there I had to go through my channel log to see if I EVEN HAD THE DAMM CHANNEL. So they really need to come up off of that...You know? Read John's letter and you will see what type of time they are on. smh. Wake up FuseTV! These cats are talented. It shouldn't take your peers to have to play them for you to figure that shit out. Sorry. Are you followers or leaders? Which one?

Yes, you read right. Grammy nominated nominated FOREIGN EXCHANGE. For the album 'Leave It All Behind'. Some of the songs are featured in the media player up top if you are unfamiliar.


On Wednesday 2nd December 2009, @thisisjohnbook said:


@Phontigallo @nicolaymusic @FEOfficial A second open letter to @FuseTV about Foreign Exchange. Dear FuseTV: This letter is a follow-up to an e-mail I sent directly to your cable network concerning the fact that your channel does not want to play the new music video by Foreign Exchange, a duo featuring producer Nicolay and MC/singer Phonte Coleman. If you do not remember my e-mail, it has been archived here for posterity.

As your music research department knows by now, Foreign Exchange has been nominated for a Grammy Award. I go back to my initial e-mail, concerning your refusal to play their music video. The claim is that FuseTV only plays videos by "hit artists", even though there is a statement on your own website which indicates your network is about "celebrating the hit makers of today, familiar favorites and edgy newcomers." Foreign Exchange has made two albums, and one of their songs from their most recent album has been officially nominated for a Grammy award tonight:

Best Urban/Alternative Performance
(For solo, duo, group or collaborative performances, with vocals. Singles or Tracks only.)

* Daykeeper
The Foreign Exchange
Track from: Leave It All Behind
[Hard Boiled Records]

If you need further proof, here is the URL:

Not everyone has the honor of being nominated for a Grammy, and I feel this is significant enough for your network to put their music videos in rotation. There are many fans out there, and you know what? You may help to bring the group more fans. In turn, fans who have never heard of Fuse-TV before may now know your network as the one who, through fan support, gave Foreign Exchange a chance.

You know what I'd love, though? There's a band Fuse-TV supports, a great hard rock band called Valient Thorr (@ValientThorr). They claim they are from Burlatia, somewhere on planet Venus, and I believe them, but they call the state of North Carolina home. Did you know that one half of Foreign Exchange calls North Carolina home too? Nicolay, whose last name rhymes with my own, is from the Netherlands, and I am almost certain the vikings of Valient Thorr may have some Earthly connections there as well.

I partly joke, but the real reason behind this "open letter" to you, FuseTV, is to say please, re-consider playing a video by Foreign Exchange on your network. Or I should change that: reconsider playing a video by the Grammy-nominated Foreign Exchange on your network. If Nicolay comes to the U.S. for the ceremony, get Phonte together and create a 30- to 60-minute profile show. Play music videos, interview them, have them perform live. Fans? I'm sure if you put out a call, fans will show up. Or I will send an open letter to their fans.

@FuseTV, I thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.

-John Book, journalist/artist/producer/music's biggest fan


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