(Words/Grown Folks Talk) I wanna blog about it but I might hurt ya'lls feelings...

@ the Tiger/Shaq/Gilbert/slash celebs cheating and cats getting all up in arms about it.

I will ask this question for now though...

How many times are we gonna fall for the banana up the tail pipe?- Eddie Murphy Beverly Hills Cop paraphrased...@ these 'images' that the PR departments carefully craft.

Who is REALLY believing this shit? I know not some of you same cats that claim TO BE SO SMART? I know you are not so smart you are stupid are you? You REALLY believe 'cause a ni##a sells some Buicks and plays a non contact sport he is a (I use this term hella loosely too) 'good person'? That he is beyond fucking up? You are dumber than I thought then. No way should you be this upset. @ just how upset people are.

This shit is dumb. For the record, I didn't see ya'll going this hard on the the Gilbert Arenas gal either. Yeah, you called her a hoe or some shit and then you dropped it. Wow. Really? (Google the shit if you don't know about Gilbert and Shaq and sharing Gil's fiancee'...)

Shit happens. Bless 'em all and I hope that no one dies over the whole world trying to make this event seem like it is the end of the World. It is like you are trying to drive Elin to do some foul shit.

Oh yeah and don't condone that 9 iron shit now (her busting his windows out and him being hurt) if you still want to castrate Chris Brown. I see you...Ready to flip the script. He was fucking around. Some of you told Chris that if Rih was messing around, he should just leave and no violence. Where is all that advice you had for Chris when it comes to Elin?

To all my perfect Patties out there (shout out to Krissy for the term), PRAY THAT I AM NOT THERE WHEN YOU SCREW UP. 'Cause I am going to go in on you something terrible offa GP for you and your pompous attitude. Bad things happen in good peoples lives too even of the good person's own doing. It is called life dammit. Good to know you don't intend to do wrong but I am guessing that you are not without sin. And if you are not without sin nor have to power to decide which sin is bigger than the other, I highly suggest you KEEP YOUR POMPOUS ATTITUDE to yourself. #Justsaying. I don't give two more craps about Tiger or Elin than I did a week ago in regards to their relationship, what she or he should do to maintain it or none of that. For all I know (or you either), they have had this issue from the door.

As for the media (and those who agree), this is how I feel..Straight from my Twitter. I imagine them saying something like this:

"We GOT HIM. That nig...I mean that guy slipped up! Yes!! @ the World. Now I can feel better about myself..(Stares into the camera"

Some of you are mad 'cause he won't speak on it. Trust me, the best thing he can do is SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT IT. The more he talks, the worse it is gonna get. People asking questions that don't have 'right answers'. More judgments. Nothing good can come outta answering the 'public's' questions of who/what/where/and ESPECIALLY WHY.

Stay outta grown folks business ya'll.Worry about your own yard. ....Shit..

I have another post on this I am working on but it will be awhile before I post it up I think so this is all for now.....Maybe.


  1. See, this is why I like your blog. You ain't afraid to lay it out there, raw and uncut lol. Ain't none of us out here above doing a little dirt, no matter how "good" a person we may seem to be.

  2. WORD! You alllready know I agree. There are way too many people up in arms about this as if its a rare occurrence. People cheat, sometimes we don't know the details behind a situation.. but nobody is perfect... i just wanna tell people, keep living... life will show you things. Everybody has to deal with their humanity in one way or another. Folks oughta just pray they don't have to make theirs in the public eye. I wish they'd let Tiger handle his own business.
    thanks for the shout out!!!





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