(Nods head to all of you who are probably not used to seeing

...the site like this.) For those of you who are like 'What the hell is he talking about NOW?', I pulled the feed that sends blog posts to Facebook.

If you came over from Facebook, again my apologies for having to pull the feed there. I was debating doing so for awhile now. This will work out better though if you just come STRAIGHT here to begin with. I must tell you though, many of my posts were actually not 'pulled' straight to Facebook for a majority of reasons. Two of which were content and at my own personal barometer of what I wanted to show up in my timeline. I say that to say that the site is 'balls out'. I don't hold back here so some things you missed you are gonna see. Whether you decide to keep come visiting is your decision, not mine. If you decide to stay, welcome! If you do not, thanks for coming and see you when I see you.


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