Oh ya'll must have forgot! @ Taylor Swift/Foreign Exchange/Grammys

There was a loud audible groan that was heard throughout the urban community last night as Taylor Swift won that award last night. One that I didn't really contribute to. Why? Not because I think Taylor Swift deserved the award. I didn't. Nor was it because I have tired of Beyonce'. I have not. Then again, I am not listening to the radio and surely don't go out as much as I used to either.

Actually I was not expecting the 'Yonce to win that award. Oh, EASY FOR YOU TO SAY NOW BUDDY, huh! Well of course it is but just because I wasn't shouting and shoving my opinion down everyone's throat who would listen like SOME PEOPLE I KNOW (who shall remain nameless), doesn't mean I didn't see this coming. Or that I can't say that you honestly shouldn't have either.

The she doesn't need 'us' factor. She doesn't. Do you know the machine that is her genre? For every two of us that says we don't 'fuck with country/pop/easy listening/whatever you wanna call it' music that she does, there are 20 people who do? Come on fam. Yes, everyone KNOWS who Beyonce is but at the end of the day she is the girl who.....

.... got interrupted by Kayne. So now the other half of those who honestly would have found out about her anyway got a GREAT WHIFF of her. Really really really EARLY. Angry lil black dude interrupting the poor lil alabaster colored girl. (Hey, he was wrong. I am not saying that. He was. His sentiment was right but he was wrong.) We must save her and embrace her. She isn't directing videos with girls tatas bouncing all over the place. That coulda been my lil girl up there getting her dreamed crushed.....You get the picture. So yeah, she got some empathy. Period. Yes, she had a fan base. For sure. It got bigger after that incident. Now I know the town of Denial is heavily populated but SURELY you can see the backlash of this helping her. Clearly. All the artists that are not 'relevant' in today's music in general, RUSHED to support her. (I didn't say they weren't relevant to me. I said in general.) You saw the old guard came out with her last night, no? Trust me, that probably wouldn't have happened without that incident happening.

So I guess I sound mad TOO, right? No. Not at all. I can state my opinions without being 'mad' about it. Passionately. Its called being an adult. Try it out sometimes. Anyway, it isn't like Beyonce got shut out last night. Somebody had to win that award. Hell, I surely wasn't watching that awards show last night with any more flicker of hope that all my artists would win than I did say in '83. Why? 'Cause I KNOW HOW THIS MOVIE ENDS PEOPLE! Occasionally everyone you want wins but 9/10 this is how it goes down. It is has BEEN LIKE THAT. The Grammys were just doing what they always do. I am not even mad. I do feel like people got their Paul Mooney though and it wasn't 'Yonce. It was the fans. @ ni##a wake up call. Like I said in the title, ya'll musta forgot. For real.

My other question is this. Are we REALLY dissecting her shouting Jay in her acceptance speech? Really? I mean, I know some of ya'll struggling with your own shit and all but damm! We are mad 'cause she said it? Now everyone is Dr. Phil? @ her body language/how she said it/her being nervous about it/etc/etc. Really? Damm. That's sad. For real. You oughta be ashamed of yourself if you found yourself reaching in that far and the person next to you should have blown a whistle and given you a tech.

Matter of fact, the initial draw for me was the Foreign Exchange nomination ON THE PRE SHOW and only due to talking to people about it on the computer was I able to stay engaged. (If you follow me on Twitter or have my Facebook, you can see that.) That was the best part of it to me. Interacting with others about it. Not the show itself. The MJ tribute? Didn't really move me. His kids coming out where the best part and that is not how it is supposed to be. Pink's performance? Blargh. No 'Ye on Forever? Diminished the performance to me. No Teddy P moment other than the role call they usually do for those that have left us. B's performance was okay. (Not great) The best performance to me was Max and Roberta Flack. No lie. Lady Goo Goo...I mean Gaga Gage's performance wasn't horrible. I mean she bought out Elton John. You mess up with Elton John as your co-signer you don't need the purchase, if you get what I mean. I honestly can say I did enjoy watching the Pre Show live on stream. That was good.

Unless some spectacular pictures come out from the event, this post probably won't include pictures. I may change my mind though. We will see.

Speaking of the FE snub, (which again, is how the Grammys do), I am just glad they got recognized. No, I am not an India Arie fan so don't come asking me about her. lol I won't even talk about how she won on a remake...


  1. I don't know why people surprised that Taylor Swift won. I feel it was premature but not unexpected. People on twitter was ANGRY...but these the same people who hate Beyonce so it's like...who did you want to win? Lady Gaga? Oh okay.





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