Carlos 'Los' Stephens...In Dover, Delaware. Interview.

The Warehouse recently got a chance to sit down with multi platinum (40 million and counting) producer and current Koch VICE PRESIDENT OF MUSIC during a presser for Shizz Nitty of OT Records. If you don't know, he is 1/4th of the collective known as Beats By The Pound that made the sonic backdrop for all of those hits from No Limit. As you read here earlier, Koch (E1) has signed OT Records roster and Carlos was in town to catch a surprise performance and presser announcing the signing of OT Records by E1 Entertainment. Graciously, he took some time out to field some questions from your boy. We also chopped it up throughout the afternoon and he spoke on a variety of subjects with genuine interest. I will share some of those here.

TW: First of all, let me say that I am a fan of your music. When you guys (Beats by The Pound)came out, I was still off and on this very campus (Delaware Sate University) and you guys had things poppin' then. It was refreshing to hear another brand of music as things were very North East Coast dominated, obviously 'cause this is where we are at. Only Southern acts getting any real play was Outkast.

CS: Thank you. It took a long time to break down those barriers.

TW: So you are originally from New Orleans correct? Do you still reside in the N.O.?

CS: Yes, that is correct. Born and raised. Actually, I just recently did move back. It is good to be home.

TW: Indeed it is. Tell the good folks out there when you first started doing music officially?

CS: Around '91 or so I opened my first studio. It has been on ever since. I had to play a little catch up with some of the technical aspects which made me work even harder.

TW: One would never know that judging by the finished products! So let me ask you this. How did you first hear about Shizz/OT Records?

CS: Well, I first heard about them through my partner Rich. He sent in a couple of videos with Shizz's performances, including the 'Sox In The Air' video. I was impressed and here we are.

TW: Have you had a chance to see the area where the boys of OT reside from?

CS: This is my first time here in the State actually. However, I could see from the videos the authenticity of their movement and got a sense of where they are from. Truthfully, this is what today is all about. For me to get a chance to see them in their world and to get that 'feel' for them. I am enjoying what I am seeing so far.

TW: How do you see this relationship working with OT. Will you be hands on? Are they a finished product in your eyes, thus allowing you to back off totally? Or will it be a situation that plays itself by ear and both things may happen?

CS: What we do here is we like to take on the undeveloped artists. A lot of producers don't like to take on these types of artists. They love the finish product. We take joy in taking that unfinished product, bring them in the studio with multi-platinum producers and seeing what can happen. It is all about the vibe of the situation. I have already asked for a few tracks from them and we have evaluated them. We will take a hands on approach but make no mistake about it, the talent is there. We are just looking to refine it. They are all very talented.

TW: You took my next question....(Chuckles) I told you I am pretty new at this....

CS: (Chuckles) I am sorry. Next question.

TW: Have you seen Clark Bar, Shizz, and Chuck50 in the movie The Game of Death? I understand that the company has a distribution connection with that sort of thing as well.

CS: We sure have seen the movie and were pleased with everyone's performance. Looking forward to branching out in that area as well. We have a couple of distribution deals and some investors that are willing to finance such projects so that is definitely on the horizon. It would be good to see them featured again on film.

TW: Last question...Even though I believe the name speaks for itself, can you tell the people just SOME of the people you have worked with. For those that don't know your resume'.

CS: (Modest smile) Ginuwine, Fiend, Mia X, Master P, Snoop Dogg and a few others....

TW: Sir, thank you for taking out the time to speak with me on my first face to face interview...

CS: My pleasure. Thank you.

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