Shizz Nitty, Chuck50, DJ Bran and Clark Bar officially introduced as E1 artists in Dover, Delaware Friday, April 10th,2010

The boy Shizz, Clark Bar, Chuck50 with DJ Bran on the wheels performing "I Got It"....

As you probably have read by now through the previous three posts, I was in Dover, Delaware on Friday. THE MAIN REASON I was in Dover was to cover OT Records signing to E1 Records. Please see the search box to your right and type in OT Records or go to the labels section of the blog. You will find PLENTY of information to catch you up on who they are and what they do.

A little lazy in that regard? Fine. Here is a starting point for you.

Now the young man pictured up top pointing to my camera right there is none other than Matty Gate$. (Standing next to none other than CHARLIE MACK. Yes, THAT CHARLIE MACK. First out the limo...Co-producer of ATL....) He is pretty camera shy (sometimes) but he is the man behind the scenes for OT Records. I may have mentioned it before but at his behest, I have kept a little quiet about him. He was a MAJOR reason today happened today. Not just for the label but for me. So this is my thank you to him. In public.

Who is the young lady? None other than Skylar Mays. Read more about her here.

I am about to test some of ya'lls music knowledge and see if you can identify the man on standing next to him. He is no slouch AT ALL so you SHOULD KNOW HIM. Especially if you are from Philly. I won't scream his name 'cause he just happened to be in the picture and was pretty clear that things were about the artists today. Not him. So we will move RIGHT ALONG and keep talking about OT Records. This was just to show some of you 'doubters' out there that yes, SHIT IS REAL. It is really happening and people aren't making stuff up, hyping it to be something it is not, jumping in photos JUST BECAUSE or any of that other phony 'hype' that people love to generate. It is all real.

To quote Shizz..."Business over sucker shit...". On to the performance....
I have to admit that I missed the introduction of the aforementioned artists so when I came into the 'room', they were already getting down. This is what I walked into.

Shizz going full throttle on the mic. He was on point too. Very relaxed but kept the crowd into it and the girls loved him. Damm Casanova ass...The crowd was doing the call and response thing and you could tell he is hitting his stride with this music thing.

Chuck50 got on the mic and DID HIS THING. Prior to this, I had only seen Chuck perform on tape so I was definitely in critique mode. It is what I do. I have nothing but praise for the young man on the mic. I always look to see if what I am hearing on 'record' transfers to what I see when I watch a person perform. He did not disappoint me at all. I got a chance to ask him when he was coming out and he did the SMART THING. He referred me to Matty Gate$. (Chuckles) Balls in your court Matty!

Having only 'heard' Clark rap but having SEEN HIM act his ass off in the Rennie Rox made "Game of Death", I REALLY WANTED TO SEE HIM RAP. I was told he was a beast. I get that a lot so I like to wait and see. I am glad I got to see it. That same star quality that came leaping out at me on the screen did so on stage. He says he is 'working his way back into stage shape' but what I saw was a hungry MC ready to get things done. He was SO READY WITH IT that he got off stage after the performance and got into this NASTY FILTHY freestyle on the side of the stage. I WANT THAT FOOTAGE. (It is coming, don't worry. I am gonna get that joint.) The animation, the lyrics and the flow came together something lovely on that freestyle. It was one of those 'You stop what you are doing and watch 'cause something special is happening over there...' type of moments. We all just stopped our conversations and watched him do work.

Understand that this performance was NOT ANNOUNCED for had it been, it would have been chaos. Hence the 'room' you see in the room. Special invited guests and a little word of mouth RIGHT BEFORE they were to go on. I would feel remiss if I did not explain why the room looks the way it does. After talking to the members of the crowd and the Del State SGA (They are the ones who 'host' such events at the school), I was able to confirm that this was the case too. So this is not speculation. It is fact.

The picture below is the part of the performance where Meek and Shizz were doing "I Be Getting Money"..This track is featured on Flamerz 3

*I didn't want to fanboy too much and since I gave my photographer REALLY LATE NOTICE, he was absent for this event. My apologies on the lack of professional pictures from my end and the minimal pictures period. I was on my information grind too much. Next time, I got ya'll


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