By now you have seen the video...of the rapper getting hit...NO SUCKER PUNCHED.

When I saw this yesterday, I knew it was gonna cause a buzz and I don't even KNOW WHO LIL B is. I passed on posting up the videos. (There is video of the cats chilling with Lil B earlier, Lil B co-signing their dance and all that happy shit in addition to the bitchasseness that everyone is buzzing about) I was just going to write about the next day after all the 'Owned', FAIL and all the other stale ass lil sayings people run around saying about bitch ass shit had run their course. Then I ran into this lil gem....It inspired me to write a little bit more..

As you probably can tell, I am not a fan of people sucker punching people. Particularly when the beef isn't 'known'. One on one head up? Okay. He gets knocked out, I say nothing. That is not what happened here. At all. Clearly, as evidenced by the video that these kids put up earlier, Lil B didn't know there was beef. Yeah...yeah....yeah..."He should have known ni##as was plotting.."....."He is a fool for believing he could just chill and be all up and around....." Listen to these lame ass excuses. 'Cause that is just what they are. Excuses. Let me take you back to some other 'excuses' that were offered up when people of color where getting 'owned'/failed/knocked out by an entire race. Since it is so funny.....the faces and all. That is what you are going to say you were laughing at isn't? His face when he got knocked out. Lets laugh a little then...Here are some faces for you...Laugh away...

Now wait a minute Mr. Blogger/whatever you wanna call me, I KNOW YOU JUST DIDN'T TAKE A THAT LEAP DID YOU? You can't POSSIBLY equate some kids running up on someone who won't put them on in a timely fashion (to their liking), five piecing him up in a show of force and intimidation because he is more successful then they/has what they want and won't voluntarily give it with SLAVERY are you? Go back and look at what I just described and tell me why WOULDN'T I BE DOING JUST THAT? Because I am. Much like those that enslaved black people in the past with unprovoked attacks and shit like this, these young cats are trying to 'jump the line' via force and what do SOME of you common ass cats do? Applaud it. Or at least chuckle at it. Or acknowledge as a 'fail'/ownage/or whatever wack ass lil saying you use nowadays even though you do admit is was pretty much wack for them to even sucker punch him in the first place. Then on top of that, you make 'excuses' for the pieces of shit that did this basically by saying all of the things that Lil B 'shouldn't have been doing'. Like he was just out doing wrong. I don't even KNOW WHO THIS CAT IS musically but that doesn't matter. I know what I saw. I saw our communities' modern day slave mentality on FULL DISPLAY in that video. That is what I do know. Whatever happened to being a man about yours? Letting a ni##a know you take issue with what he said/did/whatever and the like? That shit was straight bitchy...Like Lionel Richie. @ the act. And ya'll laughing like it is funny...Chuckle on people...chuckle on. Feel free to come up with as many ni##erish reasons as to why I would say such a thing or why I am not 'down' with condoning this bs. Just don't wonder/speculate/or ponder on what is wrong with 'our' mentality when you constantly contribute to this bullshit by laughing at it. Note I said 'laughing' too. Watching it by itself does not contribute to the problem to me for this simple reason. If you watch videos like this and don't condone them it takes away the 'its accepted' card that people who do this sort of thing are trying to play. It is the encouragement that fuels these types of actions. I guess I should know my audience though. That is my bad. For the people that are actually TRULY saying this is okay to do are losing in life already mostly and want others to wear the 'loser' badge. I know that last line might hit a little close to home so I am going to step back and let you 'defend' why it is okay. I'll wait. Probably won't be too impressed with why you say it is okay but I will give you the floor. It is yours....



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