Dez Bryant- "I feel like I was drafted to play football, not carry another player's pads."

As silly and childish as the tradition is (I agree it is ALL OF THESE THINGS and more.), this is NOT THE WAY that he probably should be wanting to be received. I don't give a shit if it was Patrick Crayton who asked him to do it. He should have done it. I see some of you giving him a 'pass' because it is Roy Williams. Don't 'flip out' when he does it to someone he 'should' respect then because this incident should have told you what it was with him to begin with. Now I can't WAIT for him to get hit personally. I hope someone knocks his fucking head into next week if he thinks he is too good to be bothered with what basically every man before him has had to go through in the NFL.

He has NOT PLAYED A DOWN IN THE NFL PEOPLE. By midseason, if his 'beasting' translates to the field, you back up off of such requests because he is a 'factor'. He gets no special treatment until then to me.

This shit sounds AWFUL familiar to me. Sounds like a certain receiver looking for that 5 millie contract with only about three takers right now. Used to play in Dallas. Has a reality show. Awesome work ethic, great shape but somehow seems 'cancer' every locker room he is in. (Other than Buffalo)

Now I am no Roy Williams fan but some of you (and apparently Dez Bryant too)seem to be just 'handing this kid' the job already. Ya'll know better than that. Let him earn it. So that he can have some sort of humility. His track record already SCREAMS he needs some. That is why he got passed up on in the draft, remember? Fairly or unfairly. It wasn't his talent. The rumors of being late FOR GAMES. Skipping practices. The 'attitude'. You know the one he 'changed'/never had? Incidents like this aren't helping to dispel that. To all of you out there who like that kinda thing, enjoy it. Those of us who know what kind of message that sends to the rest of the team probably won't though.

Good luck Dallas fans. Just know that you are creating a monster by siding with him on this particular subject. The subject of your 'ire' has 'said all the right things' since Dez was drafted. We all know the kid was drafted to take his job. Still, he hasn't taken shots. He didn't do what most do and bristle. He has even 'praised' the rookie. I think that is the issue here. The young boy is receiving too much praise and we haven't even gotten to preseason. Factor that in with the frustration in regards to Roy Williams and this seems 'right'. It isn't. Sorry.

I fault the coaches for that too. They are the ones who let all of that out and have allowed this to fester. Now when an Adam Schefter or someone like that starts to speak of 'breaking in the ranks in the 'Boys locker room' or something don't be shocked. lol

Lets hope, for the Cowboys sake, they are not creating a baby T.O. out there.


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