I like how a lot of you that had 'uncle Joes', Uncle Bobs and Mr. Bill's in your life growing up are running with the Delonte West jokes..

(Insert one of them CORNY ASS PICTURES/VIDEOS THAT ARE FLOATING AROUND HERE. No pictures needed for this post...)

Hide that pain in the jokes boys and girls. Hide it well. Keep making/laughing EXTRA HARD at them skits, shirts and jokes. I know you gotta do it. It is the way 'we' do shit. It isn't healthy but better to do it than to have it everyone ridicule YOU right?

I mean, the way I see it, it sounds like a WHOLE LOT OF YA'LL really got scarred by those noises you heard in the middle of the night. Seeing cats come in and out 'but not seeing them on the regular'. It is no wonder that some of you view relationships, certain times of the day and the like in the light you do. You saw it as a kid. I feel bad for you actually. 'Cause it is still bothering you to THIS DAY. To the point that you want someone else to feel the way you must have felt all of those years when cats 'knew' what was going on in your house.

"Not my Momma...I mean she had boyfriends and stuff but not her...She certainly wasn't smashing my 'friends'..."

Whatever makes you feel better at night fam...You don't know WHO THE FUCK she was fucking. You barely saw 'Uncle Bill' remember? He who used to come over around 10ish when it was your 'bedtime' and stay all night but be gone by breakfast.

Yuck it up! This is classic material I am giving you here. (And I am FAR FROM A FUNNY DUDE...)Shit I mean, we can SPECULATE about Lebron and Delonte but we KNOW the dudes that are walking up on you NOW as an adult talking about 'Damm, you grew up....I remember when I used to fall through and give you McDonald's to get you to go to sleep...Oh nevermind. How you been? You don't remember me do you?" know YOUR MOMMA a little bit more than you would like. Which is why you are going so hard on this Lebron shit...

How do I know? I know nigga. I know a couple of those type of cats. For some of you, I WAS THAT CAT. Be easy on the jokes fam...They might apply to you too.

Oh don't go getting all Eddie Murphish on a ni##a now...Talking about *'I think play time is over..." It was HILARIOUS when it was Lebron...Now it isn't funny 'cause it is you Tough Tony/Tonias? I defy you to run up on your Mom and say some of the shit ya'll saying about this...I double dare you.

When diss 'Dre (Bron) you diss yourself....-Dre' Day. (At least on THIS TOPIC. He is not above reproach. This shit is just ridiculous though..)




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