The 'actions' of a scared 'person' and why we are so consumed with them?

As of late (I am talking the last two decades or so actually so excuse the gross underestimation of time),  I have noticed that we have become INCREASINGLY OBSESSED with who is 'scared' of who, who is 'frauding' and the like.

Why is that? (I know the answer...Humor me though..)

I am asking but OF COURSE have my theories as to why we have become SO CONCERNED with it. The main contributor seems to be our OWN INSECURITIES as they relate to being scared in situations ourselves. I say 'we' as in 'those that do this'. Not all of us do this. Some of us could give a shit if Snoop is scared of Suge (We found out he wasn't), if Jay is scared of Fif or Beans or if the local pretty boy hustla is scared of the 'big time drug dealer' in the area.

You see, this is what happens when shit...yes I said shit, rises to the top. You have people who HONESTLY shouldn't have a care in the World in that regard worrying about 'street shit' taking place between two (or more) people who actually SHOULDN'T EVEN be taking it there themselves due to the amount of money they are making.

Then there is the definition some of you use as 'scared'. As if not running around saying 'Fuck you', making up lies about fucking each others girls/men, and not showing up at some one way in one way out hole in the wall death trap constitutes one being 'scared'. Nigga please.All that deflective ass bullshit is just that. Bullshit. So smart you are stupid. @ people not stooping to the lowest of the low as your bar of what is 'scared' or not. There are DEFINITELY more effective ways to get at someone than that. Especially when the person has something else going for them than where they go out at, who they are fucking and their 'cuss' game. I digress though....

Going into complete hiding? Okay. I might buy that. Not putting yourself in harms way, running your mouth like a girl (in a dude's case) and the like is SMART though. Fuck what you heard...All the rest of that shit is pretty girlie. I know a certain rapper made it 'popular' but that is my knock on him (and my OWN favorite rapper as he alluded to it with Nas.). If you like it, I love it though. I don't respect it by any means....

I have to ask YOU (Yes, those of you who 'care' about whether such and such is scared of such and such...) WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU GET OUT OF THAT? Even if it is true, which most times it is not, what do you gain? Is there some type of 'scoresheet' a mofo is missing out on? Do you draw extra power from knowing that everyone's favorite rapper isn't (gasp) the stone killer he said he was? Is it like a power pellet in Pac Man or you grow stronger like Popeye when you ADAMANTLY hold onto to the belief that one person is scared of another?

Why do I care? 'Cause you niggas keep running up on me with that shit. Asking me do I think 'such and such is scared of such and such' or keep alluding to it when you want to 'undermine' the credibility of someone. That's why I 'care'. If you want to call it that. See, unlike you have done with the person that you 'think' is striking fear in the heart of the 'person(s)' that I like, I have SEPARATED myself from the person's art/sports game/writing game/real life game from that 'other shit'. So I don't live vicariously through them in that way. So it isn't as personal to me. Is such and such a bitch? Who gives a fuck...I know I don't.

Furthermore, I can see the RATIONALE of people not responding in the way you guys want them to. For one, if I made you in MY CIRCLE, I am not giving you anymore shine if you are not in it any longer. If I didn't make you and you want the 'respect' of my peers, yet that is not the type of stuff that garners it, I am not engaging with you ANYWAY. If I have

NOTHING GOOD COMES OF IT. After all the 'respect' you get from all of these imaginary people who don't give a shit about you, ONLY YOU have to pay the price for your actions. That's it. All the 'Free (Insert name)' t-shirts and R.I.P shirts WON'T CHANGE THAT. It is just that simple. Take it how you want to. So even when we are 'not talking about stars' and dealing with 'regular folks' I STILL DON'T BUY THIS NOTION OF 'PLAYING UP PEOPLE BEING SCARED OF OTHERS', deriving some type of pleasure out of it or using it as some type of badge of honor the way some of you carry it running around here wolfing about it.  Some you eat that shit up like it is protein though and I don't understand it. At all. It is no wonder you can't get your shit together. All you are worried about is who is scared of who and how can you use it to your 'advantage' (Which is another post in itself)...

Here is a word of advice...Stop worrying about who is 'frauding' and is 'scared' and worry about being the 'realist' person you can be for yourself? How about that? You would do MUCH BETTER IN LIFE not worrying about the next guy in THAT MANNER.. It is 95% of some of ya'lls who convoPac and shit' or any other 'gangsta' cat who 'hated weak people' as they called them. That was their problem. They got TOO CAUGHT UP in trying to prove that by getting involved in DUMB SHIT. Learn from that and them....Let it go people.


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