Mike Vick and this 'Dog owning' issue....Once that man's probation is up...

It won’t matter what we think…@ the ‘dog issue’. He will LEGALLY be able to own a dog. Deal with it.

You see, there are folks that I don’t think should be able to do certain things once they have been found ‘guilty’ of something or they do bad things. Luckily, for YOU, I don’t have that power. Hell, lucky for me, I DON’T HAVE THAT POWER. ‘Cause it is pretty pompous to get up on your horse about shit when you are not perfect. You NEVER know what might happen and what kinda situations you may end up in. People do change.
Some of you shouldn’t be reproducing children with the ideals, thoughts and actions you exhibit but no one is watching you or making sure YOU DON’T. Some of you have ABORTED children. How would you like it if I judged you on that even though you have kids now? Maybe yours should be taken away….(I TRULY don’t believe that btw but I am just looking at shit like you are….) Shit some of you killed a tortured animals when you were LITTLE. You want me to hold that over your head FOR LIFE?
Some of you should be allowed NEAR A MOTOR OPERATED VEHICLE after all of them tickets, DUIs (reported and UNREPORTED) you have had. You just happened to make it home on those nights.
Some of you shouldn’t be allowed in a relationship and should wear a Scarlet Letter on your chest so mofos know YOU AIN’T SHIT. Men and women.
Some of you shouldn’t be allowed to EVER OWN A GUN or one should should shock the shit outta you (literally) if you touch it because you have the rationale of a 3 year old.
Some of you shouldn’t…I can keep going ‘till I hit whatever it is that you have done in your life that wasn’t ‘right’. I won’t. Don’t have time…
I am WAY MORE WORRIED ABOUT YOU than I am about Mike Vick and him owning a dog. I am not sure people even KNOW THE WHOLE story behind it other than he was ‘involved’. That is a key word right there. INVOLVED. Definitely RESPONSIBLE for actions surrounding his properties and whatever degree of his involvement but condemning him for ALL THE ACTIONS in that situation is SEVERE AS FUCK. Did his time..Let that shit go. Or is it because someone is holding some shit over your head that you did when you were young(er) and you think that is ‘How things are supposed to work.” @ holding onto the past with a vice grip? If that is the case, do me a favor. Check on that person’s mental state, their past actions and their reputation. I guarantee you that one if not all WILL BE IN A STATE OF ARRAY. Think PEOPLE! Stop condemning people for their mistakes. It is time to let it go. That is what the punishments are for. To make them ‘pay’. Besides, I am sure there is SOMETHING that you can do to correct your own ‘messy yard’….


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