Some of you 'nonchalant' hustlers/drug dealers & the like that I know need to read this....

The first rule of getting yourself involved in highly illegal activities is to not draw attention to yourself by, say, breaking traffic laws right in front of the police. Clement Hunter, 30, ran a red light in Queens early this morning and refused to pull over when cops signaled. They then chased him down a dead end street, where he got out of the car and tried to flee on foot. They finally caught him; police tell the Daily News, "We grab him, and inside the Caravan we find 513 pounds of marijuana." Hunter was charged with criminal possession of marijuana; unfortunately he couldn't be charged with stupidity.

YES YOU! @ if you think I am aiming this at you. Mr. Too Cool To Stop Doing Whatever It Is You Wanna Do 'Cause You Don't Give A F#ck.....Talking to you homie....


  1. *sigh* We deal with this all of the time, and yet WE are the bad guys for pulling you over for a simple traffic violation. *SMH until it falls off*

    Oh, and I'm sure he got WAY more than the criminal drug offense...running a red light, resisting arrest, delaying an investigation, felony possession, trafficking charges...I mean, this wasn't a simple "oz."

    Fucking idiot...





(Words) You carried her bag so that is your label from now on. The Story of A Former Bag Handler...

I think by now, if you are here, you know the story. My wife committed suicide. She suffered from depression. I have children. I'm l...