..oh I told you I would address it again....The Super Bowl........#steelers

Seeing as though my main account is protected, the following won't see public consumption unless it is RT'd...So I will post what I said here for two reasons..

A. It is how I feel.

B. I want YOU TO SEE IT because somewhere in here, I am talking about YOU probably. I would NAME all of your names but like usual, when people 'dogpile' on a subject, there are just TOO MANY. Stop trying to  deflect the bullets...just step in front of the one you know is for you..return fire if you like and stop bitching about it. Aight? Good.

We are gonna start this though with a quote or two from Coach Tomlin following last night's loss....

We don't grade on a curve.....- Coach T

It was a losing one...just like mine- Coach T in regards to Ben's performance..

Also, the boy #43 kept it funky last night. Much respect to him.

3-0 @ turnover game. Can't win that way.....

So before you even fix YOUR FONT TO SAY I am bitter or any of that other shit...nope. Hats off to Green Bay. They won the game. PERIOD. We didn't play well enough to win. PERIOD. So lets be VERY CLEAR ON THAT. I know folks are gonna have their opinions & whatnot but that is TRULY WHAT IT COMES DOWN TO. So I don't wanna hear it truthfully. I ALSO don't wanna hear about what coulda happened if Jordy caught those passeso or what it 'woulda been like.....'cause we could play the woulda shoulda game all night...@ Ben missing Wallace when he walked by Shields TWICE....The first pick Shields and Collins were BEAT..Bad ball..PICK!...Second one was when as Troy Aikman pointed out (One of the few times Captain Obvious had a right to be well..obvious..), Ben shoulda thrown the ball to the pylon..again..Shields was BEAT...Mendy fumbling on the drive...and ANY OTHER 'EXCUSE' you can think of.....So yeah...that woulda shoulda shit is just that. Shit. None of it happened so....

This isn't directed to any Green Bay fans 'cause truthfully, they have been RESPECTFUL. Yeah I got a phone call from my brother (Huge fan) and a lil teasing message from my first cousin about the song and shit but that was family as well as pretty tame.  Green Bay's fans have been celebrating (AS THEY SHOULD BE) hard but not disrespectful. I am talking about the casual fans of the game itself and/or other teams. These are the cats that are running around talking crazy. Some of the sportscasters/sports bloggers/PART TIME ESPN panel members and the like too (probably won't ever read this though so I can't say I am talking to 'em but IF THEY DO..YES YOU TOO...)

Here is what I said....(If you have 'baby ears' you MIGHT NOT WANNA KEEP READING...IT IS PRETTY RAW..) It is in 140 character bursts for those of you who aren't on Twitter so it is a bit choppy.

This is gonna be a fun morning....actually next couple of days....Wanna know why? Of course YOU DO..Well shit I'mma tell you anyway..

For the next couple of weeks, you are gonna hear people say shit that EVEN THEY DON'T BELIEVE about football because the Steelers last night

As I always do let me preface this with this simple statement..YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I AM SAYING..Hit that unfollow button my nigga..
It would be hard for me to care any less..I have over 1000 of 'em..One less nigga- NWA


You are gonna have people wax on about Ben(#) not being an 'elite' quarterback. Ask the mofos who teams quarterback sucks..better yet if YOUR  
TEAM DOESN'T HAVE ONE, YOU CAN SHUT ALL THE WAY THE FUCK UP...If your team's quarterback wasn't IN THE BIG (game) OR HAS 2 RINGS...again..you can


#2....Troy P. THE BEST SAFETY IN THE GAME. Had a BAD GAME..Again...I am not trading for the Charles Godfrey (love him though), Bob Sanders

or any of the other bum ass niggas you wanna name. Period.

Did he have a bad game? FUCK YEAH...Does he suck now? No. All you halfass football (fans) who like the teams 'cause the nigga cute or cause your

Daddy liked 'em can miss me with all that shit...

#3 I said it ALL YEAR...I say it again...NONE OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS EVEN HAD US IN THE PLAYOFFS. Playoffs?? (In JIm Mora voice) Playoffs?

and to speak to that point some of ya'lls teams were just happy to MAKE SAID PLAYOFFS..So wax niggas..wax on...lol (See the "We don't grade on a curve quote up top again....)

#4.....Ya'll got all the way there and lost- You. Man fuck outta here @ acting indifferent as if you didn't want YOUR TEAM in the chip game*

Yeah aight....again...don't say shit that you really don't mean....

#5.....This 'Ya'll need a new song...'. Umm..we didn't JUST START WINNING. We don't a 20 year drought...We don't just ONE CHIP..Not just two

chips.....not three...not just four...not just five...Yeah WAIT FOR IT...not just six (Does anyone else have six? Oh...) Yeah.**

New song my ass...You NEED TO GET A SONG AND FUCKING WAY WINNING..'Cause we have a legacy. Quit being disrespectful. Go back to talking***

about The Housewives or Delonte fucking Lebron's Mom**** or something and leave the real football talking to mofos who know football..

I'm still here...Still a fan...Fuck what you say...The end.

 #- This nutty talk about him not being a 'winner'/elite qb is crazy. Dan Fouts/Marino had CRAZY NUMBERS. He was a great player. He was a winner. Has no chips though. His PLAYOFF RECORD isn't better than Ben's. Neither is Tom's nor Peyton's. Tom has one more chip than him and Peyton has...You see, I have a problem with people who want to use the numbers one time and then totally disregard them the next. Which is it? Do you have to have ALL THE NUMBERS? Do we forget about your 'numbers' after a certain point once you 'do good'? Let me know....'Cause for all of Troy Aikman's numbers the bottom line is he qb'd a team that went 0-11 when he started. Ben has NEVER done that....Nor not been the reason why they haven't done it. So I am at a loss. I mean, I hear ya'll talking about his 'numbers' aren't great but the wins are there. So are the 'elite' find a way to win moments....

 *I mean lets face it. If your team wasn't there, there isn't shit to say. You would want your team there and you damm sure wouldn't be like 'Us losing negates us being there..'. You are a LIAR if you say you would. The players & coaches might say that shit & MEAN IT then but even that is the whole 'Don't feel sorry for us' attitude/No moral victories stance you take when you are fresh off a loss...So yeah...miss me with the 'Ya'll lost though...' 'cause you would have LOVED for your team to even had made it.

 ** Self explanatory. Most storied franchise in NFL history. Most chips EVER. Some teams DON'T HAVE A CHIP. Some teams got theirs in bunches. No team has more. Oh some teams have been to the wedding but most they have done is be a party of the wedding party. Never got to the altar. Just thrown some flowers down the aisle. A lot of bridesmaids out there talking right now...on that 'Why not us? Oh it isn't us lets shit on who it is then..' Very easy to throw rocks at a throne you have never sat in. So that is what I am addressing.

*** Again, goes back to legacy. Some of ya'lls teams DON'T HAVE ONE. Some of you had one for a VERY BRIEF TIME. By and large, we are ALWAYS GOOD. Small market team. Don't pay players. Turnover rate is pretty high all things considered. Still play winning football. Mold 'em & shape 'em within pretty much.

**** This is ALLEGEDLY by the way. @ LBJ as there is no proof. Just the ni##a myth. Which is good enough for most folks... Much like this 'rumor', the fans that are yapping about us have no 'proof' of what it is they are saying. They are reciting garbage they heard from their favorite former player on NFL Network/ESPN/OR WHEREVER or their favorite angry Facebook/Twitter/messageboard/barbershop  character and taking it as fact. There are facts. We LOST. That's a fact. The other shit? It is just that. Shit. Lotta outta line comments/ truth stretching and out and out lies ABOUT WHY OR WHO the Steelers are. Misinformed mofos. Hence the gossip shot. Go back to talking about shit that you 'know more about' but ironically enough don't know shit about....'CAUSE EVEN THAT ISN'T TRUE..'Cause that shit is easy. Leave the 'facts' to the real folks though..


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