Great message by EA Sports...won't allow you to put 'concussed' players back in the game..

I just have ONE little question though...I know it is also one that someone from 'my' favorite team asked...

Heads are worth more than knees? 'Cause while they aren't allowing it for head guessed can damm near blow your knee out and come back in. It is a video game though so I won't hold them THAT ACCOUNTABLE for it....Oh wait, yes I will because they are willing to take the credit for 'changing the culture' on head injuries (which I don't exactly disagree with). As a person who is an adamant player of the game, I don't put cats back in the game if they are out. I just never got into the habit. If the game lets 'em come back in on its own, they play. If not, I adjust. So that's not the issue for me. It is the mixed message sorta that the LEAGUE ITSELF refuses to 'answer' for and how I feel like they are using 'this' lil gesture BY A VIDEO GAMING COMPANY to 'push' their agenda and to continue to dodge the question. That is my issue...But hey..if it is IN THE GAME...

IT IS IN THE GAME.....We'll be aight with it honestly. Now this movement of the kickoff and coverage team and how that is put into the game is a WHOLE OTHER MATTER. Bad enough you can take a 95 power kicker and kick from anywhere accuracy be dammed. There might not be ANY KICKOFF RETURNS NOW..Unless you like running out from your own negative 7 yard line....

Hard Hitting Message

Madden NFL 12 Said to Include Concussions to Present a Safety Message

Madden NFL 12 Said to Include Concussions to Present a Safety MessageRemarkably, Madden NFL 12 will depict players suffering concussions, according to the president of the NFL Players' Association, but apparently in a manner that reinforces the seriousness of the injury and the message that playing through one is not a good idea.
In a tweet first reported on by Gamasutra, George Atallah, a senior official with the NFLPA, praised EA Sports for the injury's inclusion. "Good for EA Sports. Concussed players in NFL Madden prevented from returning to play," Atallah wrote. "Culture change is important."
Evidently that means players will be shown being taken from the field, unable to return. Past versions of Madden have included a coaching decision to re-insert players who have suffered certain injuries that the game considers playable. Concussions won't be one, reinforcing the message, especially to younger players, that it is a serious injury and not a time to be a hero playing through it.
The NFL instituted rules in 2009 that prevent players from re-entering a game if they've suffered a concussion, responding to a mounting controversy over the long-term effects of repeated concussions and the league's posture toward player safety.
Big-hitting action has been a touchy subject in NFL-licensed video games, especially since 2006 when Midway walked away from its NFL Blitz license after the league became concerned about the over-the-top hitting presented in the game. EA Sports is said to own the Blitz license now.


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