It is no longer me 'speculating'..he said it...

On Being Asked To Take Down An Embarassing Video:
Q rarely misses an opportunity to squeeze a buck from his brand and beyond. One girl begged him to take down a clip in which she stripped naked while rapping along to Nicki Minaj’s verse from “Monster.” Like many humiliating moments inspired by alcohol and caught on camera, the clip ended up on She was desperate to get the footage off the Web, so she contacted Q and tearfully begged him to remove the clip. “She had been disowned, kicked out of her house,” Q remembers, sounding sympathetic. Eventually he relented and took down the video, but only after she coughed up $500. “She had to pay up!” he cackles, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together.


My first thoughts when I read this were:

Not that it matters much. Ya'll will still go there and you have EVERY RIGHT TO DO SO. (shrugs). Just don't come asking me why I don't go there. 

Do I post videos from there? 

Yep. Sure do. If it is a young lady there who is ON OR DOWN WITH THEM OF HER OWN FREE WILL, I SURE WILL POST IT UP. (Not named Stacks Kat) If it is of a sporting event and they have it, I SURE WILL POST IT UP. No one is hiding from that 'cause that shit isn't 'bad'. It is the OTHER SHIT and you KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. Play coy if you like though....

Most of the time though the videos that I do post are sent to me (from there) second hand but I CERTAINLY don't post things from there that I don't agree with so thanks but no thanks @ playing the 'contradiction' game with what I am saying. Thanks for playing though. Usually if I can find another video source I will TAKE DOWN THE VIDEO FROM THERE. I am sure you have seen me do it. Hell some shit I just don't post because they are the only ones who have it.

No one is perfect....people gotta make their money....yadda...yadda..yadda....-You

Remember that when THE WHITE MAN IS DOING IT. How do ya'll like to say it? 

Just sayin......

'Cause that won't be any different. The 'white man' (or anyone who works with him of color who ya'll are so QUICK TO DENOUNCE WHEN THEY 'HURT' US.) IS TRYING TO MAKE THAT MONEY. So I don't wanna hear SHIT from any of you when the exploiting comes as long you WHOLEHEARTEDLY support this cat here. Or better yet I don't wanna hear too much shock when I tell you..."I don't frequent that site' like it makes me some kinda idiot. Ignorance is all around me. I don't need to see it replayed on video. None for me thanks....

I am not even making this post to tell you 'what to do'. I am just making it crystal clear why I don't....'cause a lot of you ask me 'How do you know that is how he feels?" People I consider to be pretty intelligent people have asked me this. 

My question has always been, "How can you NOT see that is how he feels? Or better yet, if you do see it and 'excuse it', how can you do so and then run down any other news organization, tabloid, or what have you for doing the same in good faith? That's all....

Then, I thought about it....Let's place the bulk of the blame where it REALLY SHOULD GO...Some of you:

Here's the kicker though.....My 'main' problem isn't even with him per say. He puts the content out so I guess on some level he is responsible.... It is with most of the people who frequent the site. They seem to be just the type of people who 'disowned' the young lady. Acting all 'above it all' like they have never sucked a dick with a camera present. Like they have never stripped before when they were feeling nice. Never KICKED THEMSELVES IN THEIR OWN ASS running away from gunshots. Or maybe that is why it is entertaining...The spotlight goes away from them and they get to laugh at folks, spew hateful commentary, talk about how dumb folks are all the while they can't burn water, play air chair lawyer, TELL TALL TALES ABOUT THEIR OWN LEGAL EXPERIENCES/SHOOTOUTS/AND VIOLENT ENCOUNTERS, tell us that 'it doesn't go down like that where they are from, spill their feelings in the air via idle threats and the other INSECURE BULLSHIT that a person can feel. It is THOSE PEOPLE I TAKE ISSUE WITH TRULY. It is like folks aren't smart enough, haven't lived long enough, etc, etc to know not to go around putting Scarlet A's on folks because of some videos, championing bullshit or applauding ignorance in one breath and then SCREAM 'It isn't fair when NBC,Fox,whoever' does it....

I guess I can't fault my man for preying on these emotional weak people (the irony of people being weak while using threats is gonna get lost on some of you I know...chuckle now and figure the shit out later). Only I think I can because it still doesn't make it 'okay'. I find it even FUNNIER that those same people he is preying on RIDE FOR HIM TO THE GRAVE 'cause they don't know any better. I feel like I am in a bad movie sometimes when this 'topic' comes up and I am the only one that sees the that the newscaster is the Devil and shit. I digress though. Just know that with him saying what he said in that interview, I don't feel NO TYPE OF WAY about feeling how I do about there now. Truly. I mean he said it. He doesn't give a fuck about anything or anyone clearly......

....Oh wait....I get it now. Some of you don't give a fuck either..(So you say..).Oh...And you wonder why there is a 'distance' between you and I and why I don't care what you think about me in the grand scheme of things.....(Chuckles) 

This nigga is like you idol and shit..Kindred spirits and shit huh? Kinda like ya'll feel about Marlo, Scarface and 'em....Oh....Silly me. Fuck was I thinking...thinking that you had 'evolved' and shit. (Oh you thought you were the only one with that asshole gene? Naw chief..Not at all...)

Oh and you CARE TOO. "Cause some of you have asked me 'What don't you like about it? Why don't you go there? How can you NOT GO THERE?'  and have been PERPLEXED at how we could like some of the same things yet I not 'love' that place like you do. Some you think that it is because of this place but truthfully dude, this place is just my release. It will be whatever it will be and if it NEVER TAKES OFF, so be it. MUCH BIGGER PLANS THAN A WEBSITE over here. I have access to TONS OF BULLSHIT and that is the route I wanted to take, I could do it and at least be aight. Trust me. This is just a place to get my thoughts out, show my tastes and get the word ABOUT SOME OF YOU. So this isn't 'jealousy' talking. I would say this exact same thing even if I didn't have this spot. You can believe what you want though..(That also tells me you don't know me as well as you think if you don't think I would...) I know how you niggas do. Just know that since I do know, if I was worried about it....

(Whispers) I wouldn't make posts like these. I would just post up the women, the music and keep my thoughts to myself 'cause I know half of you can't handle them. I have probably lost more than half of you as regular followers because of SHIT LIKE THIS HERE. But I don't do that now DO I? Nope. I will spare you with just coming out and saying just how less of a fuck I give though....


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